android - Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 标准版和高级版之间的区别

标签 android flash apache-flex adobe builder


有谁知道 Adob​​e Flash Builder 4.7 标准版和高级版功能之间究竟有什么区别?

特别是,我需要足够的 Flash Builder 才能从现有的 flex 项目开始,构建它并将其打包为 Android 和 iOS 目标。




查看 Adobe's Flash Builder FAQ哪个有更多信息

 What are the editions of Flash Builder 4.7?

    Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 Standard Edition: Flash Builder 4.7 is a professional-grade development tool for rapidly creating games and

applications for the web and mobile devices using ActionScript and the open source Flex framework. It includes support for intelligent coding, interactive step-though debugging, and multiplatform publishing workflows.

    Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 Premium Edition: This edition has all the great features that Standard offers plus professional testing

tools, including profilers, network monitoring, unit testing support, and command-line build support.

 Why use Flash Builder Premium Edition over Flash Builder Standard Edition?

    Flash Builder 4.7 Premium adds professional testing tools, including profilers, network monitoring, an automated testing

framework, integration with Flex unit testing, and command-line build support.

关于android - Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 标准版和高级版之间的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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