Android项目使用HttpClient 4.5

标签 android android-studio android-gradle-plugin

我想使用 Apache HttpClient 4.5,所以行

compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5'

添加到我的 build.gradle 中,我在 Gradle 控制台中得到以下信息

Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
WARNING: Dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5 is ignored for debug as it may be conflicting with the internal version provided by Android.
         In case of problem, please repackage it with jarjar to change the class packages



转到 Apache ,我发现他们为 Android 4.3.5 使用 HttpClient。我的项目使用这些 Jar 文件作为库(不是在 gradle 中编译)。你可以试试下载here .希望对您有所帮助!

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