android - 强制使用 Android appcompat `SortedList` ?

标签 android android-recyclerview android-appcompat

我有一个 SortedList由我的 RecyclerView.AdapterRecyclerView 中显示。

我使用来自 方法的 2 个自定义 Comparator 实例对 A-Z 或 Z-A 进行排序。

static class A2Z implements Comparator<Item> {
    public int compare(Item t0, Item t1) {
        return t0.mText.compareTo(t1.mText);
static class Z2A extends A2Z {
    public int compare(Item t0, Item t1) {
        return -1 *, t1);

Item 只包含一个 String mText;

我在 方法中使用我的比较器:

private Comparator<Item> a2z = new A2Z();
private Comparator<Item> z2a = new Z2A();
private Comparator<Item> comparator = z2a;

        public int compare(Item t0, Item t1) {
            return, t1);



那么我如何强制底层 SortedList 求助所有项目?



SortedList 没有自行求助的功能 - 每个实例只有一个排序顺序。

根据 Yigit's answer to the above referenced question 为每个度假村创建一个新的适配器:

If you have stable ids in your adapter, you can get pretty good results (animations) if you create a new array containing the filtered items and call

recyclerView.swapAdapter(newAdapter, false);

Using swapAdapter hints RecyclerView that it can re-use view holders. (vs in setAdapter, it has to recycle all views and re-create because it does not know that the new adapter has the same ViewHolder set with the old adapter).

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