android - 更改 Eclipse 的默认输出 bin 文件夹

标签 android eclipse

默认情况下,Eclipse 将二进制文件放在“项目文件夹/bin/”中。我想让 Eclipse 将生成的二进制文件等放在另一个文件夹中(在项目文件夹之外)。从事 Android 开发。


您可以更改 Java 项目的“输出文件夹”(默认为 bin)(参见“How do I change a Java project's bin folder in Eclipse?”)

但对于Android项目,如“Can't change default output folder”中所述,您还需要修改
这可能很危险,as commented :

Just to note that changing the output folders doesn't work when dealing with library projects - there's part of the Ant script that is hardcoded to look in the bin folder of libs anyway.

所以也许使用 exclude option Dropbox 在这里更可取?

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