android - 如何在 Android Studio 中运行 Robolectric?

标签 android junit robolectric

我花了几个小时尝试在 Android Studio 中制作 Robolectric,但没有成功,我几乎准备放弃它。我收到以下错误:

!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub!

当然,我使用高于 3.8 的 junit 版本(实际上是 4.11)。


  • 将 junit 依赖项移至某处建议的第一个依赖项,
  • 尝试了 gradle 技巧,例如更改 sourceSets.instrumentationtest.setRoot、类路径、依赖项 -> InstrumentTestCompile,应用插件:'android-unit-test',但是 我的 Android Studio 版本 (0.5.7) 中包含的 Gradle 版本没有 似乎认识这些标签。

我什至从 GitHub 下载了示例甚至无法编译。所以我真的厌倦了这个。



This run will fail with a complaint about “JUnit version 3.8 or later expected”. The reason for this is that jUnit 4 is too far down the classpath, and now comes perhaps the least elegant part of this setup: as Kostya Y explains, copy the whole contents of the console with the error message into a text editor and do this:

  1. Remove everything except -classpath “…”
  2. Move jUnit 4 to be the first thing in the classpath
  3. Add an entry for the absolute path to the robolectric test classes directory as the last item in the classpath, in this case /path/to/MyProject/app/build/classes/robolectric.

Now if you try re-running the configuration, you might get an UnsupportedClassVersionError if you’ve previously run the tests in console, or at least this happens to me on my Mac. I don’t know the actual root cause, but if this happens, just do Build > Clean Project to clear out previously built classes.


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