java - 如何删除本地缓存中的可用状态?

标签 java android firebase google-cloud-firestore

所以我正在开发一个使用 firebase 的 firestore 的应用程序,我想知道这是否可行,因为我不希望我的应用程序检查服务器中不再存在的数据。


collectionReference.addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
        public void onEvent(QuerySnapshot snapshots, FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
            for (DocumentSnapshot snapshot : snapshots) {
                // This prints document IDs of documents that were deleted
                // from the collection when the app was not running

使用 DocumentSnapshot.exists() 过滤仅存在于服务器中的快照不起作用

更多信息在 this page :

The initial state can come from the server directly, or from a local cache. If there is state available in a local cache, the query snapshot will be initially populated with the cached data, then updated with the server's data when the client has caught up with the server's state.



QuerySnapshot#getMetadata()返回一个 SnapshotMetadata 对象。 SnapshotMetadata#isFromCache()如果快照来自缓存,则返回一个 boolean 值。

如果您想在元数据更改时收到通知(这样您就可以知道 isFromCache() 是否更改),那么您必须在添加监听器时传递选项:

   // Create options
   QueryListenOptions options = new QueryListenOptions().includeDocumentMetadataChanges();

   // Pass them when you add the listener
   collectionReference.addSnapshotListener(options, new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
       // ...

请参阅 addSnapshotListener 的文档

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