python - 无法在 Anaconda 中 pip 安装包

标签 python macos pip anaconda

刚刚在 Mac OSX Mavericks 上下载并安装了 anaconda 3.6.2,我需要安装一个没有预装 anaconda 的包 seaborn

$ conda install seaborn
Fetching package metadata: ..
Error: No packages found in current osx-64 channels matching: seaborn

You can search for this package on Binstar with

    binstar search -t conda seaborn

You may need to install the Binstar command line client with

    conda install binstar


$ which pip

$ pip install seaborn
Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).

尝试再次激活 root Anaconda env,但仍然无效

$ source activate root
discarding /Users/username/anaconda/bin from PATH
prepending /Users/username/anaconda/bin to PATH

$ pip install seaborn
Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).

接下来我尝试激活一个 virualenv 并且 pip install 工作。

workon testEnv
pip install seaborn

现在我从 Anaconda 的启动器启动了 iPython notebook。但是好像没有找到seaborn包!


enter image description here

~/bashprofile 中,我有:

# virutalenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /Users/username/.virtualenvs/datasci/bin/

# added by Anaconda 2.0.1 installer
export PATH="/Users/username/anaconda/bin:$PATH"


删除了 2 条 virtualenvwrapper 行,重新加载了 .bash_profile,但是 pip install 仍然给出错误 Could not find an activated virtualenv (required). 激活另一个 conda 环境 source activate testenv 没有帮助。

$ source activate ~/.bash_profile
$ pip install seaborn
Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).

$ source activate testenv
discarding /Users/username/anaconda/bin from PATH
prepending /Users/username/anaconda/envs/testenv/bin to PATH
$ pip install seaborn
Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).



conda install pip

这将在激活的 conda 环境中安装 pip

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