java - 我如何使用 AspectJ 1.6 和 Tomcat 6 进行 JSP 的加载时间织入?

标签 java jsp tomcat aop aspectj


我在 Eclipse 中有一个 Web 应用程序。目前它是一个 AspectJ web 应用程序。

我的“src”文件夹中有一个名为 JSPCSRFTokenInjection.aj 的方面,它具有捕获 JspWriter.write 方法和其他一些内容的切入点。看起来像这样:

package com.aspects; 
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.thesis.aop.util.StopWatch;

public aspect JSPCSRFTokenInjection{ 
Logger logger; 
StopWatch watch;

private String currentCSRFToken = null;

//Constuctor for the Aspect. I do some init of loggers and
//such here.
public JSPCSRFTokenInjection(){ 
    logger = Logger.getLogger("csrfMitigationLogger");"CSRF Injection Aspect Created"); 
    watch = new StopWatch(); 

//Capturing the CSRF Token from the request by intercepting the 
//_jspService method inside of the JSP
public pointcut csrf_jspServiceIntercept(HttpServletRequest req, 
    HttpServletResponse resp) : 
    call(public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)) 
    && args(req, resp);

before(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) : 
    csrf_jspServiceIntercept(req, resp){
    currentCSRFToken = (String) req.getParameter("csrfSalt");"Got CSRF Token from request: " + currentCSRFToken);

//Pointcut and advice for capturing the writing into a JSP.
public pointcut csrf_captureFormWriting(String msg, JspWriter writer) :
    call(public void JspWriter.write(String)) 
    && args(msg) 
    && target(writer)
    && if(msg.toLowerCase().contains("</form>"));

before(String msg, JspWriter writer) : csrf_captureFormWriting(msg, writer){
    try{"WRITING TO JSP");
        writer.write("<input type='hidden' name='csrfSalt' value='" +     currentCSRFToken + "'/>");
    catch(Exception e){


我在 WebApp/WebContent/META-INF/ 目录中还有一个 aop.xml 文件。 作为引用,我的 web.xml 文件位于 WebApp/WebContent/WEB-INF/ 目录中。

aop.xml 如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "       /dtd/aspectj.dtd">
<weaver options="-showWeaveInfo -verbose -debug -Xset:weaveJavaPackages=true">
    <!-- Weave types that are within the javax.* or org.aspectj.*
    packages. Also weave all types in the foo package that do
    not have the @NoWeave annotation. -->
    <include within="javax.*"/>
    <include within="com.*"/>
    <include within="org.*"/>
    <include within="org.aspectj.*"/>
    <!-- declare two existing aspects to the weaver -->
    <aspect name="com.aspects.JSPCSRFTokenInjection"/>
    <aspect name="com.aspects.MitigateCSRFAspect"/>
    <!-- Of the set of aspects declared to the weaver
    use aspects matching the type pattern "com..*" for weaving. -->
    <include within="com.*"/>
    <include within="org.*"/>
    <!-- Of the set of aspects declared to the weaver
    do not use any aspects with the @CoolAspect annotation for weaving -->

我还将 -javaagent:C:/aspectj1.6/lib/aspectjweaver.jar 添加到我在 Tomcat 中的 JVM 参数中。

如果有帮助,我正在使用 tomcat 的 SysDeo 插件。此外,编译时织入在应用程序的其他部分运行良好,但是,我无法在影响 JSP 的任何方面进行织入。


我发现了问题。我将我的 aop.xml 文件放在错误的目录中。对我来说非常愚蠢。



目录。但是,我将它直接放在 WEB-INF 下。

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