java - Jacoco Maven 离线检测 - Tomcat

标签 java tomcat integration-testing jacoco jacoco-maven-plugin

我正在尝试获取集成测试的代码覆盖率报告。 Jacoco maven 插件能够为单元测试提供代码覆盖率,但为集成测试提供 0% 的覆盖率。集成测试正在访问应用程序的其余 api 端点,该应用程序已部署在 tomcat 中。

我的 Maven jacoco 插件和 Surefire 插件看起来像这样。



                <!-- <skip>true</skip> -->
                <!-- <systemPropertyVariables> <jacoco-agent.destfile>target/jacoco.exec</jacoco-agent.destfile> 
                    </systemPropertyVariables> -->
            <!-- <configuration> <skip>true</skip> </configuration> -->
                        <!-- Never skip running the tests when the test phase is invoked -->
                        <!-- <skip>true</skip> -->
                            2016 CI\\JaxRsApp\\target\\jacoco.exec</argLine>
                        <!-- Never skip running the tests when the integration-test phase 
                            is invoked -->
                        <!-- argLine>-javaagent:$WORKSPACE/target/lib/jacoco-agent-0.7.9.jar=includes=*,destfile=*/jacoco-coverage.exec,append=false</argLine -->
                            2016 CI\\JaxRsApp\\target\\jacoco-it.exec


我正在测试阶段执行单元测试,并在集成测试阶段执行集成测试。 我收到的最新错误是“由于缺少执行数据文件而跳过 JaCoCo 执行。”


引用documentation of prepare-agent-integration :

Same as prepare-agent, but provides default values suitable for integration-tests:

  • bound to pre-integration-test phase
  • different destFile

引用documentation of prepare-agent :

Prepares a property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent that can be passed as a VM argument to the application under test. Depending on the project packaging type by default a property with the following name is set:

  • tycho.testArgLine for packaging type eclipse-test-plugin and
  • argLine otherwise.

在大多数情况下,argLine 由启动 JVM 执行单元测试的 maven-surefire-plugin 自动选取 -

argLine: Arbitrary JVM options to set on the command line.


要获得集成测试的覆盖率,您必须确保此属性传递给被测应用程序的 JVM,即执行 Tomcat 的 JVM,这完全取决于您启动它的方式。

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