user-interface - 在 Xamarin UI 测试中需要帮助

标签 user-interface testing xamarin

Upload failed. Response: Status: 400 Contents: {"error_message":"The .ipa file does not seem to be linked with Calabash framework."}



您需要在 iOS 项目的 AppDelegate 中调用 Xamarin.Calabash.Start()。见下文:

Initialize the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent

After adding the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent to the iOS project, it is necessary to initialize the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent when the iOS project starts up. Edit the AppDelegate class and add the following snippet to the FinishedLaunching method:

// Newer version of Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio provide the
// ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD compiler directive in the Debug configuration,
// but not the Release configuration.

The Xamarin Test Cloud Agent must not be present in a release build of a Xamarin.iOS application; its presence is grounds for the app to be rejected by Apple. By surrounding the initialization code in a conditional compile statement, the Xamarin linker will strip the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent from Release builds, but not Debug builds.


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