php - Pact for PHP - 来自模拟服务器的 404 响应代码

标签 php api testing pact

我尝试使用示例配置为 PHP 配置 Pact。我的问题是我可以运行 mockServer,但我发出的每个请求都会返回 404 响应。当然,我像在 GitHub 自述文件中一样设置了所有内容。不过,我知道服务器是可见的(本地主机配置),但无法注册路由。


class PactTest extends \Tests\BaseTestCases\V2TestCase

/** @var MockServerConfig */
private $config;

public function setUp()
    // Create your basic configuration. The host and port will need to match
    // whatever your Http Service will be using to access the providers data.
    $this->config = new MockServerConfig();

    // Instantiate the mock server object with the config. This can be any
    // instance of MockServerConfigInterface.
    $server = new MockServer($this->config);

    // Create the process.

    // Stop the process.

public function testSimple()
    $matcher = new Matcher();

    // Create your expected request from the consumer.
    $request = new ConsumerRequest();
        ->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    // Create your expected response from the provider.
    $response = new ProviderResponse();
        ->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8')
            'message' => $matcher->term('Hello, Bob', '(Hello, )[A-Za-z]')

    // Create a configuration that reflects the server that was started. You can
    // create a custom MockServerConfigInterface if needed. This configuration
    // is the same that is used via the PactTestListener and uses environment variables.
    $builder = new InteractionBuilder($this->config);
        ->given('a thing exists')
        ->uponReceiving('a get request to /test/abc')
        ->willRespondWith($response); // This has to be last. This is what makes an API request to the Mock Server to set the interaction.

    $service = new HttpClientService($this->config->getBaseUri()); // Pass in the URL to the Mock Server.
    $result  = $service->getTestAbc(); // Make the real API request against the Mock Server.


    self::assertEquals('Hello, Bob', $result); // Make your assertions.

getTestAbc() 是:

public function getTestAbc(): string
    $uri = $this->baseUri;
    $response = $this->httpClient->get("{$uri->getHost()}/test/abc", [
        'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']
    $body   = $response->getBody();
    $object = \json_decode($body);

    return $object->message;



您正在设置中停止模拟服务器。您应该在 tearDown 中的测试后停止服务器。我注意到这是手册中的代码,它可能具有误导性,但我认为它的目的是作为一个如何手动启动/停止模拟服务器的示例。

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