javascript - Testcafe过滤功能

标签 javascript testing automated-tests e2e-testing testcafe

我有一个 Selector 的过滤器函数,如下所示,它接受两个参数 { subject: subject, from: from } 作为依赖对象。


ReferenceError: subject is not defined

async function getMessage(subject, from) {
  return await Selector('[data-test=messageListItem]').filter(( message ) => {
    return message.querySelector('[data-test=subject]').textContent.includes(subject) &&
  }, { dependencies: { subject: subject,  from: from } });

TestCafe 团队可以帮我解决这个问题吗?


In the case of the .filter method你需要重写你的 dependencies 参数 ({ dependencies: { subject: subject, from: from } } ) 如下:

{ subject: subject,  from: from }


import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

fixture `New Fixture`
    .page ``;

test('New Test', async t => {
    await t
        .typeText(Selector('#tsf').find('[name="q"]'), 'testcafe')

    await t.expect(Selector('.LC20lb').count).eql(10);

    function fn (title) {
        return Selector('.LC20lb').filter((node, idx) => {
            return node.textContent.includes(title);
        }, { title }); // dependencies parameter

    await t.expect(fn('TestCafe').count).gt(1);

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