安卓测试 : use Dagger2 + Gradle

标签 android testing gradle dagger-2

我了解 Dagger2 的工作原理,


重点是我不确定我是否理解我应该如何为测试和调试/生产提供不同的 Dagger2 组件实现。

我是否需要创建 2 个 Gradle productFlavors(例如“Production”/“Test”) 那将包含 2 个不同的组件定义?






Don’t use Dagger for unit testing

要用@Inject 注释的构造函数测试类,您不需要 Dagger 。而是使用具有虚假或模拟依赖项的构造函数创建一个实例。

final class ThingDoer {
  private final ThingGetter getter;
  private final ThingPutter putter;

  @Inject ThingDoer(ThingGetter getter, ThingPutter putter) {
    this.getter = getter;
    this.putter = putter;

  String doTheThing(int howManyTimes) { /* … */ }

public class ThingDoerTest {
  public void testDoTheThing() {
    ThingDoer doer = new ThingDoer(fakeGetter, fakePutter);
    assertEquals("done", doer.doTheThing(5));


Functional/integration/end-to-end tests typically use the production application, but substitute fakes[^fakes-not-mocks] for persistence, backends, and auth systems, leaving the rest of the application to operate normally. That approach lends itself to having one (or maybe a small finite number) of test configurations, where the test configuration replaces some of the bindings in the prod configuration.


选项 1:通过子类化模块覆盖绑定(bind)

    @Component(modules = {AuthModule.class, /* … */})
    interface MyApplicationComponent { /* … */ }

    class AuthModule {
      @Provides AuthManager authManager(AuthManagerImpl impl) {
        return impl;

    class FakeAuthModule extends AuthModule {
      AuthManager authManager(AuthManagerImpl impl) {
        return new FakeAuthManager();

    MyApplicationComponent testingComponent = DaggerMyApplicationComponent.builder()
        .authModule(new FakeAuthModule())

选项 2:单独的组件配置

@Component(modules = {
  OAuthModule.class, // real auth
  FooServiceModule.class, // real backend
  /* … */ })
interface ProductionComponent {
  Server server();

@Component(modules = {
  FakeAuthModule.class, // fake auth
  FakeFooServiceModule.class, // fake backend
  /* … */})
interface TestComponent extends ProductionComponent {
  FakeAuthManager fakeAuthManager();
  FakeFooService fakeFooService();

official documentation testing page 中了解更多信息.

关于安卓测试 : use Dagger2 + Gradle,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35912915/


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