unit-testing - Fluent NHibernate PersistenceSpecification 组件和引用测试

标签 unit-testing nhibernate fluent-nhibernate testing components


1 。 FNH 不测试我的组件正确性,我不知道为什么。

System.ApplicationException: Expected 'DomainModel.Model.Publisher' but got 'DomainModel.Model.Publisher' for Property 'Publisher'.

public void CanCorrectlyMapBook()
    new PersistenceSpecification<Book>(_session)
        .CheckProperty(p => p.Name, "My Book")
        .CheckProperty(p=> p.Id, 1)
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.IncludesCDDVD, true)
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.Isbn, "rder93q43949éwr")
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.IsLoaned, false)
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.Publisher, new Publisher(){PublisherHomepage = "www.google.de", PublisherName = "google"})

2。 FNH 没有正确测试我的引用。

System.ApplicationException: Expected 'DomainModel.Model.Employee' but got 'EmployeeProxyd6f94daa37c74be8b5ccccf40c5c23fa' for Property 'LoanedBy'.

public void CanCorrectlyMapBook()
    new PersistenceSpecification<Book>(_session)
        .CheckProperty(p => p.Name, "My Book")
        .CheckProperty(p=> p.Id, 1)
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.IncludesCDDVD, true)
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.Isbn, "rder93q43949éwr")
        .CheckProperty(p=>p.IsLoaned, false)
        .CheckReference(p=>p.LoanedBy, new Employee(){EMail = "",FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "Mueller"})


 ISession mysession = Helper.CreateSessionFactory(false, false).OpenSession();
            Book myBook = new Book()
                                  Author = "Hesse",
                                  IncludesCDDVD = true,
                                  DateOfIssue = DateTime.Now,
                                  Isbn = "erwe0ri",
                                  IsLoaned = true,
                                  Name = "My Book new",
                                  Publisher = new Publisher() { PublisherHomepage = "www.google.de", PublisherName = "google" },
                                  Release = new Release() { ReleaseDate = DateTime.Now, ReleaseNumber = 1 },
                                  LoanedBy = new Employee() { EMail = "", FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "Mueller" }



PersistenceSpecification 测试针对内存数据库 sqllite 运行,而我的手动“测试”针对 Sql Server 2008 运行。

你们中有人使用过 FNH 并正确测试过引用和组件吗?


我认为您需要在相关实体上实现 object.Equals() 方法,或者实现 IEqualityComparer 并在构造 PersistenceSpecification 时注入(inject)它。


public class A
    private int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual B B_Member { get; set; }

    public class Map : ClassMap<A>
        public Map()
            Id(x => x.Id);
            References(x => x.B_Member);

public class B
    private int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string BString { get; set; }

    public class Map : ClassMap<B>
        public Map()
            Id(x => x.Id);
            Map(x => x.BString);

    /// remove this method to have the verification fail
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var lhs = obj as B;
        if (lhs == null) return false;
        return BString == lhs.BString;

    public void Verify()
        var fcfg = Fluently.Configure()
            .Mappings(mc =>
                mc.FluentMappings.Add(typeof (A.Map));
                mc.FluentMappings.Add(typeof (B.Map));
            .ExposeConfiguration(cfg => new SchemaExport(cfg).Execute(true, true, false));

        var sess = fcfg.BuildSessionFactory().OpenSession();

        new PersistenceSpecification<A>(sess)
            .CheckReference(x => x.B_Member, new B() {BString = "hi"})

            () => new PersistenceSpecification<A>(sess, new AlwaysFalseEqualityComparer())
                    .CheckReference(x => x.B_Member, new B() {BString = "az"})

另请注意,每个属性比较的相关 FNH 代码是(反射器的赞美):

    internal virtual void CheckValue(object target)
    bool areEqual;
    object actual = this.property.GetValue(target, null);
    if (this.entityEqualityComparer != null)
        areEqual = this.entityEqualityComparer.Equals(this.propertyValue, actual);
        areEqual = this.propertyValue.Equals(actual);
    if (!areEqual)
        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Expected '{0}' but got '{1}' for Property '{2}'", this.propertyValue, actual, this.property.Name));


关于unit-testing - Fluent NHibernate PersistenceSpecification 组件和引用测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1776120/


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