python - 将 x 替换为 y,如果没有 x,则附加 y

标签 python regex

如果字符串包含foo,将foo替换为bar。否则,将 bar 附加到字符串。如何用一个 re.sub (或任何其他函数)调用来编写它?没有条件或其他逻辑。

import re

regex = "????"
repl  = "????" 

assert re.sub(regex, repl, "a foo b")       == "a bar b"
assert re.sub(regex, repl, "a foo b foo c") == "a bar b bar c"
assert re.sub(regex, repl, "afoob")         == "abarb"
assert re.sub(regex, repl, "spam ... ham")  == "spam ... hambar"
assert re.sub(regex, repl, "spam")          == "spambar"
assert re.sub(regex, repl, "")              == "bar"



这很棘手。在 Python 中,替换文本反向引用未参与比赛的组 are an error , 所以我不得不使用 lookahead assertions 构建一个相当复杂的结构,但它似乎通过了所有测试用例:

result = re.sub("""(?sx)
    (              # Either match and capture in group 1:
     ^             # A match beginning at the start of the string
     (?:(?!foo).)* # with all characters in the string unless foo intervenes
     $             # until the end of the string.
    |              # OR
     (?=foo)       # The empty string right before "foo"
    )              # End of capturing group 1
    (?:foo)?       # Match foo if it's there, but don't capture it.""", 
                     r"\1bar", subject)

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