testing - AngularJS E2E 测试的执行顺序

标签 testing angularjs jasmine end-to-end angular-scenario

因此,我注意到 describe() block 中的 it() 函数不会(总是)按照我编写它们的顺序运行。


我想链接一堆 UI 突变,基本上让每个 it() 函数在上一步之后检查 UI 的状态。

如果它们是异步执行的,那就很重要了。这是否意味着每个 it() block 都需要包含前一个步骤的所有步骤?

it('should do something', function() {
  // app is in state 1
  // do something
  // leave app in state 2
it('should continue from the state left after the previous block', function() {
  // app is in state 2
  // do something
  // leave app in state 3
it('should continue from the state left after the previous block', function() {
  // app is in state 3
  // do something
  // leave app in state 4
it('should continue from the state left after the previous block', function() {
  // app is in state 4
  // do something
  // leave app in state 5



describe('Check pdf popup', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
        element('.navbar a:eq(3)').click();

    it('We should see the pdf popup', function() {
        expect(element('.modal h4:visible').text()).toMatch(/Email PDF/);

    it('Cancel should dispel the pdf popup', function() {
        // exit pdf box
        expect(repeater('.modal h4:visible').count()).toBe(0);

    it('if customer email not set, display input for email', function() {
        expect(repeater('.modal #pdfemail:visible').count()).toBe(1);
        expect(repeater('.modal #pdfcustomercheckbox:visible').count()).toBe(0);


您可以在彼此内部嵌套额外的“描述” block ,包含额外的“beforeEach”函数,具有发出连续命令的效果。

describe('fuel comparison', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {

    it('should switch to Fuel Comparison calculator', function() {
            toBe("Fuel Comparison");

    describe('changing gas price', function() {
        beforeEach(function() {

        it('should change fuelinfo text to show reset link', function() {
            element('#content .nav-pills a[tap-click="tab=\'calculations\'"]').click();
            expect(element("#fuelinfo span:visible").text()).toBe("(Click here to set fuel prices to California defaults)");


关于testing - AngularJS E2E 测试的执行顺序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17393699/


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