unit-testing - 单元测试 RxJava doOnSubscribe 和 doFinally

标签 unit-testing testing rx-java2

我如何创建一个单元测试,以在 rxjava 链的 doOnScubscribedoFinally 上完成某种副作用?


            .doOnSubscribe(() -> showLoading = true)
            .doFinally(() -> showLoading = false)
            .subscribe(result -> doSomething(result), error -> doErrorHandling(error));

我如何在上面的场景中测试 showLoading 在订阅时设置为 true 而在处理 observable 时设置为 false?

TestSubscriber<WebServiceResponse> loginRequestSubscriber = new TestSubscriber<>();


// check that showLoading was true when webservice was called
assertEquals(true, showLoading);

// check that showLoading was false when webservice was finished
assertEquals(false, showLoading);



If I understand correctly, your Object Under Test is the ClientLoginViewModel, so I'm trying to work from there. Let me know if I'm mistaken and I can revisit my answer:


interface WebServiceResponse { } // We don't care about this here

interface Network {
    // This is whatever interacts with the Network, and we'll mock it out
    Single<WebServiceResponse> requestSomeValue();

// The class we are testing
class ClientLoginViewModel {

    final Network mNetwork;

    // This is the field we want to check... you probably want to make it
    // private and have accessors for it
    boolean showLoading;

    // This allows dependency injection, so we can mock :)
    ClientLoginViewModel(final Network network) {
        mNetwork = network;

    // The actual method to test!
    Single<WebServiceResponse> requestLogin() {
       return mNetwork.requestSomeValue()
           .doOnSubscribe(disposable -> showLoading = true)
           .doFinally(() -> showLoading = false);


class ClientLoginViewModelTest {

    public void testLoading() {
        final Network network = mock(Network.class);
        final WebServiceResponse response = mock(WebServiceResponse.class);

        // This is the trick! We'll use it to allow us to assert anything
        // before the stream is done
        final PublishSubject<Boolean> delayer = PublishSubject.create();

        final ClientLoginViewModel clientLoginViewModel = new ClientLoginViewModel(network);


        // check that showLoading was true when webservice was called
        assertEquals(true, clientLoginViewModel.showLoading);

        // now let the response from the Network continue

        // check that showLoading was false when webservice was finished
        assertEquals(false, clientLoginViewModel.showLoading);

关于unit-testing - 单元测试 RxJava doOnSubscribe 和 doFinally,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48980897/


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