Angular Testing : How to provide configuration object to service class with TestBed?

标签 angular unit-testing testing jasmine

我有一个 Angular 服务需要将配置对象传递给该服务:

// my.module.ts
@NgModule({ ... })
export class MyModule {
    static forRoot(config: MyServiceConfig): ModuleWithProviders {
        return {
            ngModule: MyModule,
            providers: [{ provide: MyServiceConfig, useValue: config }],

export class MyService {
        constructor(private _http: HttpClient, @Optional() config: MyServiceConfig) {
        if (config) {
            if (!config.attr1) {
                throw new Error('You must provide the attr1 to use this Module.');
            } else if (!config.attr2) {
                throw new Error('You must provide the attr2 to use this Module.');
            } else {
                this.attr1 = config.attr1;
                this.attr2 = config.attr2;
        } else {
            throw new Error(
                'You must provide a MyServiceConfig object with the attr1 and the attr2 to use this module.',


一切正常,但我想围绕向服务提供该配置对象编写几个测试。我在测试文件中有以下 beforeEach,当未提供配置对象时,它会按预期抛出错误:

beforeEach(() => {
        imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
        providers: [FeedbackService],

但是当我试图将其从 beforeEach 移出并进入单独的测试时,我无法正确抛出错误。如果完全按照上面的方式调用它,但在测试中,它将:

it('should do something', () => {
        imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
        providers: [FeedbackService],

我在 try/catch block 中尝试了上述操作,试图捕获错误,但它给了我一个误报。我尝试了 expect(() => {}).toThrowError()toThrow() 方法,但即使将 TestBed.configureTestingModule() 在 expect 中的那个箭头函数中不起作用。这样做不会引发错误。




describe("FeedbackService", ()=>{
    beforeEach(() => {
            imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
            providers: [FeedbackService]

    describe("when config object is provided", ()=>{
        let dummyConfig : Object;
          dummyConfig = {/* set some properties*/};
          TestBed.overrideProvider(MyServiceConfig, {useValue: dummyConfig});

        it("should not explode", ()=>{
          // a test in which the config object is dummyConfig

旁注:我看不到用 @Optional 装饰配置对象的意义,并在没有提供 token 值时抛出异常。您基本上是在重新实现默认的未提供逻辑。

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