perl - 如何编写测试文件夹是否可读/可写的测试

标签 perl testing perl-module

我编写了一个模块来检查目录是否可写或可读。 但是,我该如何测试呢?



use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;

use Test::More tests => 5;
BEGIN { use_ok('My::DirCheck') };

my $readable_dir = tempdir();
my $check = My::DirCheck->new(directory => $readable_dir);

is($check->is_readable(), 1, 'temp dir is readable');

# FIXME: how to make it not readale?
isnt($check->is_readable(), 1, 'temp dir is not readable');

my $writable_dir = tempdir();

is($check->is_writeable(), 1, 'temp dir is writeable');

# FIXME: how to make it not writable?
isnt($check->is_writeable(), 1, 'temp dir is not writeable');



尝试使用 File::Path 而不是 File::Temp , 它允许您选择能够设置您的 directories's permissions模式参数.将没有读取、写入或执行权限的目录的模式设置为 0000

假设它来自 Perl 核心,它应该可以在大多数操作系统上移植。

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