scala - Specs 隐式转换与 Scala Predef 冲突

标签 scala testing types implicit-conversion specs


type Time = Double

而且我经常在测试和应用程序中将 Long 值传递给使用此类型的函数。例如:

 def at(time : Time) : T = {
     // Do Something



  found   : Long
  required: com.github.oetzi.echo.Echo.Time
  Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
  both method long2double in object Predef of type (x: Long)Double
  and method longToDouble in trait NumericBaseMatchers of type (s: Long)Double
  are possible conversion functions from Long to com.github.oetzi.echo.Echo.Time

在查看 NumericBaseMatchers 后,它似乎是 Specs 测试框架的一部分(我的测试是在 Specs 1 中编写的)。我尝试运行代码以获取解释器中的错误,并且在测试之外一切正常。

有什么方法可以消除歧义,以便将 Long 值传递给 Double/Time 函数?为什么 Specs 在 Scala 已经提供 LongToDouble 转换的情况下尝试创建它自己的转换?



  override def longToDouble(s: Long) = super.longToDouble(s)


  trait NoConversion {
    override def longToDouble(s: Long) = super.longToDouble(s)

  class MySpecification extends NoConversion {

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