css - CSS 中的 "cast"单位有什么办法吗?

标签 css units-of-measurement css-calc

我正在尝试根据屏幕宽度更改 CSS 中的元素旋转。像这样的东西:

transform: rotate(calc(30deg / 100vw / 1000px));

显然,长度算术返回 <length> ,并且按长度划分度数是非法的。另一方面calc(30deg / 2)工作正常。是否有任何 CSS 技巧可以将长度“转换”为 <number> ?我现在宁愿避免使用 JavaScript。




If compatible, the type resolves as described below (the following ignores precedence rules on the operators for simplicity):

At + or -, check that both sides have the same type, or that one side is a and the other is an <integer>. If both sides are the same type, resolve to that type. If one side is a <number> and the other is an <integer>, resolve to <number>.

At *, check that at least one side is <number>. If both sides are <integer>, resolve to <integer>. Otherwise, resolve to the type of the other side.

At /, check that the right side is <number>. If the left side is <integer>, resolve to <number>. Otherwise, resolve to the type of the left side.

Note: Algebraic simplifications do not affect the validity of the calc() expression or its resolved type. For example, calc(5px - 5px + 10s) and calc(0 * 5px + 10s) are both invalid due to the attempt to add a length and a time.


关于css - CSS 中的 "cast"单位有什么办法吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56349325/


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