python - 从 JSON 序列化中排除空/空值

标签 python json simplejson

我正在使用 Python 和 simplejson 将多个嵌套字典序列化为 JSON。



     "dict1" : {
     "key1" : "value1",
     "key2" : None

     "dict1" : {
     "key1" : "value1"

将 Jackson 与 Java 结合使用时,您可以使用 Inclusion.NON_NULL 来执行此操作。是否有等效的 simplejson?


def del_none(d):
    Delete keys with the value ``None`` in a dictionary, recursively.

    This alters the input so you may wish to ``copy`` the dict first.
    # For Python 3, write `list(d.items())`; `d.items()` won’t work
    # For Python 2, write `d.items()`; `d.iteritems()` won’t work
    for key, value in list(d.items()):
        if value is None:
            del d[key]
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
    return d  # For convenience


>>> mydict = {'dict1': {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': None}}
>>> print(del_none(mydict.copy()))
{'dict1': {'key1': 'value1'}}

然后您可以将其提供给 json

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