css - Flexbox 的动画或过渡属性

标签 css css-transitions css-animations flexbox

我正在尝试让 flexbox 属性与过渡一起使用。现在,元素卡入到位。我需要它们在悬停时平稳过渡。我尝试了几件事,但似乎没有任何效果。我需要具有良好跨浏览器兼容性且显示良好的东西。


                <div class="wrap">
                    <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="index.html" class="li4">
                    <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="services/services.html" class="li5">
                    <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="events/events.html" class="li6">

                  <div class="wrap">
                      <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="plan/plan.html" class="li4">
                          <h3>Plan an Event</h3> 
                    <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="bands/bands.html" class="li5">
                          <h3>Band Promo</h3>
                    <section class="secLI">
                        <a href="contact/contact.html" class="li6">


.wrap {
            color: #ff7800;
            text-align: center;
            clear: both;
                    background: #366ce8;
            width: 100%;
            border: none;
            padding-top: 4vh;
            padding: 2.5vh 0 1.5vh;
                    /*Wrap FlexBox Settings*/
                    display: -webkit-box;
                        display: -moz-box;
                        display: -ms-flexbox;
                        display: -webkit-flex;
                        display: -o-flex;
                        display: flex;
                    -webkit-justify-content: center;
                        -moz-justify-content: center;
                        -ms-justify-content: center;
                        -o-justify-content: center;
                        justify-content: center;                        
                    -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
                        -moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
                        -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
                        -o-flex-wrap: wrap;
                        flex-wrap: wrap;

        .wrap section {
          -webkit-flex: 1;
              -moz-flex: 1;
              -ms-flex: 1;
              -o-flex: 1;
              flex: 1;
          cursor: pointer;
          background: #cddc39;
          transition: all .5s;
          text-align: center;
        .wrap section:hover {
          -webkit-flex: 1.5;
              -moz-flex: 1.5;
              -ms-flex: 1.5;
              -o-flex: 1.5;
              flex: 1.5;
          background: #e6ee9c;

          -webkit-animation: -webkit-flex;
            animation: flex;
                -webkit-animation-delay: 3s;
                animation-delay: 3s;
          -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-flex;
            -moz-transition-property: -moz-flex;
            -ms-transition-property: -ms-flex;
            -o-transition-property: -o-flex;
            transition-property: flex;
          -webkit-transition-duration: 2s;
            -moz-transition-duration: 2s;
            -ms-transition-duration: 2s;
            -o-transition-duration: 2s;
            transition-duration: 2s;


使用相同的 HTML,这是我想出的有效 CSS。请注意“!important”的附加值。在我添加这些代码之前,代码无法运行,即使在硬重新加载/刷新之后也是如此。


.wrap section:hover {
          background: #e6ee9c;

                  -webkit-animation-name: flexExpand;
                  -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
                  -webkit-animation-delay: .2s;
                  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards !important; 
                  -moz-animation-name: flexExpand;
                  -moz-animation-duration: 1s;
                  -mozt-animation-delay: .2s;
                  -moz-animation-fill-mode: forwards !important;    
                  -ms-animation-name: flexExpand;
                  -ms-animation-duration: 1s;
                  -ms-animation-delay: .2s;
                  -ms-animation-fill-mode: forwards !important; 
                  -o-animation-name: flexExpand;
                  -o-animation-duration: 1s;
                  -o-animation-delay: .2s;
                  -o-animation-fill-mode: forwards !important;               
                  animation-name: flexExpand;
                  animation-duration: 1s;
                  animation-delay: .2s;
                  animation-fill-mode: forwards !important;

                  @-webkit-keyframes flexExpand {
                      from { -webkit-flex: 1; }
                      to { -webkit-flex: 1.5; }
                      from { flex: 1; }
                      to { flex: 1.5; }
                  @-moz-keyframes flexExpand {
                      from { -webkit-flex: 1; }
                      to { -webkit-flex: 1.5; }
                      from { flex: 1; }
                      to { flex: 1.5; }
                  @-ms-keyframes flexExpand {
                      from { -webkit-flex: 1; }
                      to { -webkit-flex: 1.5; }
                      from { flex: 1; }
                      to { flex: 1.5; }
                  @-o-keyframes flexExpand {
                      from { -webkit-flex: 1; }
                      to { -webkit-flex: 1.5; }
                      from { flex: 1; }
                      to { flex: 1.5; }
                  @keyframes flexExpand {
                      from { -webkit-flex: 1; }
                      to { -webkit-flex: 1.5; }
                      from { flex: 1; }
                      to { flex: 1.5; }

关于css - Flexbox 的动画或过渡属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26391310/


css - 使搜索全宽的最佳方式

html - CSS3 转换 : translate on hover, 带过渡

wordpress - 在网站上旋转我的 Logo

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css - 如何使用 CSS 控制 SVG 线条动画的速度

css - 显示为全白的径向渐变

javascript - 如何为屏幕下部设置背景? CSS/HTML

jquery - 通过 jquery 合并 @media 规则

css - 当悬停在另一个元素上时触发元素的过渡
