c++ - C++0x 中的新 unicode 字符

标签 c++ unicode c++11 char16-t char32-t

我正在构建一个 API,它允许我获取各种编码的字符串,包括 utf8、utf16、utf32 和 wchar_t(根据操作系统可能是 utf32 或 utf16)。

  1. 新的 C++ 标准引入了新的类型 char16_tchar32_t没有这种大小的歧义,应该在将来使用,所以我也想支持它们,但问题是,它们会干扰正常的uint16_t吗? , uint32_t , wchar_t类型不允许重载,因为它们可能引用相同的类型?

    class some_class {
        void set(std::string); // utf8 string
        void set(std::wstring); // wchar string utf16 or utf32 according
                                 // to sizeof(wchar_t)
        void set(std::basic_string<uint16_t>)
                             // wchar independent utf16 string
        void set(std::basic_string<uint32_t>);
                             // wchar independent utf32 string
        void set(std::basic_string<char16_t>)
                             // new standard utf16 string
        void set(std::basic_string<char32_t>);
                             // new standard utf32 string


    foo.set(U"Some utf32 String");
    foo.set(u"Some utf16 string");
  2. std::basic_string<char16_t> 的 typedef 是什么?和 std::basic_string<char32_t>就像今天一样:

    typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring.


    编辑:根据 gcc-4.4 的标题,引入了这些新类型:

    typedef basic_string<char16_t> u16string;
    typedef basic_string<char32_t> u32string;

    我只是想确保这是实际的标准要求,而不是 gcc-ism。


1) char16_tchar32_t将是不同的新类型,因此可以对它们进行重载。

引自 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 N2018 :

Define char16_t to be a typedef to a distinct new type, with the name _Char16_t that has the same size and representation as uint_least16_t. Likewise, define char32_t to be a typedef to a distinct new type, with the name _Char32_t that has the same size and representation as uint_least32_t.

进一步解释(来自 devx.com 文章“Prepare Yourself for the Unicode Revolution”):

You're probably wondering why the _Char16_t and _Char32_t types and keywords are needed in the first place when the typedefs uint_least16_t and uint_least32_t are already available. The main problem that the new types solve is overloading. It's now possible to overload functions that take _Char16_t and _Char32_t arguments, and create specializations such as std::basic_string<_Char16_t> that are distinct from std::basic_string <wchar_t>.

2) u16stringu32string确实是 C++0x 的一部分,而不仅仅是 GCC 主义,正如 various standard draft papers 中提到的那样.它们将包含在新的 <string> 中标题。引用同一篇文章:

The Standard Library will also provide _Char16_t and _Char32_t typedefs, in analogy to the typedefs wstring, wcout, etc., for the following standard classes:

filebuf, streambuf, streampos, streamoff, ios, istream, ostream, fstream, ifstream, ofstream, stringstream, istringstream, ostringstream, string

关于c++ - C++0x 中的新 unicode 字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/872491/


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