html - 当 <td> 具有不同的宽度时,使 <th> 垂直边框贯穿整个表格

标签 html css twitter-bootstrap html-table bootstrap-table

我正在使用 Bootstrap 表格制作甘特图。我的时间宽度相同。为此,我设置了 colspan="15"并在其中放置了一个 div 并将其设置为我想要的宽度。我想要的是从 到 继续穿过整个表格主体的垂直边框,即使 是不同的宽度。这可能吗?这是我的代码:

<div class="table-responsive gantt-chart">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                <th class="time">8am</th>
                <th class="time">9</th>
                <th class="time">10</th>
                <th class="time">11</th>
                <th class="time">12</th>
                <th class="time">1</th>
                <th class="time">2</th>
                <th class="time">3</th>
                <th class="time">4</th>
                <th class="time">5</th>
                <th class="time">6</th>
                <th class="time">7</th>
                <th class="time">8</th>
                <th class="time">9</th>
                <th class="time">10pm</th>
                <td>11:00 am</td>
                <td>Awesome party</td>
                <td>Party room</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:144px; width:48px;"></div>
                <td>1:15 pm</td>
                <td>Test Event</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:252px; width:48px;"></div>
                <td>3:15 pm</td>
                <td>Chad event</td>
                <td>tu casa</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:348px; width:72px;"></div>
                <td>9:00 pm</td>
                <td>Random Hall</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:624px; width:72px;"></div>


Table question stackoverflow

我在那里画的黑线表示我想对每个部分做什么。我不确定这是否可行,或者我是否需要寻找其他方法。我正在使用 php 在正确的位置输入蓝色 div,以匹配列出的时间。


由于以前的解决方案(见下文)在某些情况下会失败,并且您已经将 jQuery 添加到元素中(Bootstrap 需要),这里是另一个如何使用 JavaScript 完成它的示例并且可能会更好:

  • 动态添加竖线(它们可以是 div)
  • 将它们放在 table 后面
  • 根据每一行设置位置
  • 在调整页面大小时重新调整它们的位置。

像这样(你也可以 see it on this JSFiddle ):

function setVerticalBars() {

    var x = 0;
    // for each cell with a .time class
    $(".time").each(function() {

        // create the vertical line if it doesn't exist
        if (!$("#vertical-bar-" + x).length) {
            $(".mygantt").append('<div id="vertical-bar-' + x + '" class="vertical-bar"></div>');

        // select the vertical bar associated to this cell
        var bar = $("#vertical-bar-" + x);

        // place it in he same position as the cell
        bar.css("left", $(this).position().left);

        // increase the counter to avoid duplicated id's

// adjust the divs on page load and when the page is resized
$(document).ready(setVerticalBars );
$(window).on("resize", setVerticalBars );
/* make the odd trs semitransparent instead of gray (so you can see the bars through them) */
.mytable>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>td {
    background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important;

.mygantt .vertical-bar {

/* Styles from question */
th.time, td.time {

.gantt-chart {

.gantt-line {
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">

<div class="table-responsive gantt-chart mygantt">
    <table class="mytable table table-bordered table-striped">
                <th class="time">8am</th>
                <th class="time">9</th>
                <th class="time">10</th>
                <th class="time">11</th>
                <th class="time">12</th>
                <th class="time">1</th>
                <th class="time">2</th>
                <th class="time">3</th>
                <th class="time">4</th>
                <th class="time">5</th>
                <th class="time">6</th>
                <th class="time">7</th>
                <th class="time">8</th>
                <th class="time">9</th>
                <th class="time">10pm</th>
                <td>11:00 am</td>
                <td>Awesome party</td>
                <td>Party room</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:144px; width:48px;"></div>
                <td>1:15 pm</td>
                <td>Test Event</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:252px; width:48px;"></div>
                <td>3:15 pm</td>
                <td>Chad event</td>
                <td>tu casa</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:348px; width:72px;"></div>
                <td>9:00 pm</td>
                <td>Random Hall</td>
                <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
                    <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:624px; width:72px;"></div>


编辑 - 以前的解决方案:

正如我在评论中提到的,一种可能的解决方案是向模拟垂直线的 table 添加背景图像。这可以通过以下方式实现:

.mytable {
    background:url( repeat-y right top;

现在您还需要解决一个问题:Bootstrap table-stripped 样式的一行是透明的,而下一行是灰色的。您将只能通过偶数行看到垂直线,而不能通过奇数行看到。要解决此问题,请将奇数行的背景从灰色更改为半透明颜色:

.mytable>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>td {
    background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important;

这应该可以解决问题。你可以在这个 JSFiddle 上看到一个演示:

这个解决方案的一个问题是:只要单元格具有预期的宽度,背景图像就会起作用;如果他们不这样做(例如:当表格占据超过 100% 时,可能会调整单元格的大小,以便表格适合可用空间)。一个解决方案是在 JS 中计算宽度并相应地调整背景图像的大小。


/* set the table background to mimic the vertical bars bars */
.mytable {
  background:url( repeat-y right top;

/* make the odd trs semitransparent instead of gray (so you can see the bars through them) */
.mytable>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>td {
  background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05) !important;

/* Styles from question */
th.time, td.time {

.gantt-line {
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">

<div class="table-responsive gantt-chart">
  <table class="mytable table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th class="time">8am</th>
        <th class="time">9</th>
        <th class="time">10</th>
        <th class="time">11</th>
        <th class="time">12</th>
        <th class="time">1</th>
        <th class="time">2</th>
        <th class="time">3</th>
        <th class="time">4</th>
        <th class="time">5</th>
        <th class="time">6</th>
        <th class="time">7</th>
        <th class="time">8</th>
        <th class="time">9</th>
        <th class="time">10pm</th>
        <td>11:00 am</td>
        <td>Awesome party</td>
        <td>Party room</td>
        <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
          <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:144px; width:48px;"></div>
        <td>1:15 pm</td>
        <td>Test Event</td>
        <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
          <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:252px; width:48px;"></div>
        <td>3:15 pm</td>
        <td>Chad event</td>
        <td>tu casa</td>
        <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
          <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:348px; width:72px;"></div>
        <td>9:00 pm</td>
        <td>Random Hall</td>
        <td class="gantt-section" colspan="15">
          <div class="gantt-line" style="margin-left:624px; width:72px;"></div>

关于html - 当 <td> 具有不同的宽度时,使 <th> 垂直边框贯穿整个表格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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