html - 如何 == 为 CSS Helper 中的模型方法类?

标签 html css ruby-on-rails ruby helper


def day_classes(day)
  classes = []
  classes.empty? ? nil : classes.join(" ")
  classes << "future" if day > # This make future days a white background, by default days are blue background
  # The Below Line Gives an Error (I want missed_dates date_missed to be red background): 
  classes << "missed" if day == current_user.missed_dates.group_by {|i| i.date_missed.to_date}

Pages#home 中的名称错误

undefined local variable or method 'current_user'


.future { background-color: #FFF; }
.missed { background-color: red; }

我用 railscasts tutorial 建立了日历.


将这一行添加到您的 Calendar 类中:

delegate :current_user, to: :view

由于 SessionsHelper 自动包含在 View 中,它应该能够将您的 view 变量传递给您的 Calendar 类。

Thank you that removed the error, but for some reason the days that I marked as date_missed didn't turn red

我猜 current_user.missed_dates.group_by {|i| i.date_missed.to_date} 是错过日期的数组,因此,为了检查您的日期是否在该数组中,请使用 include?:

missed_dates = current_user.missed_dates.group_by {|i| i.date_missed.to_date}
classes << "missed" if missed_dates.include?(day)

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