html - 当我将菜单更改为显示 :inline 时,li 元素相互重叠

标签 html css

我希望 .menu-box-middle ul 列表项内联显示,但是所有列表项都相互重叠!我不知道如何改变它。理想情况下,我希望它们在主容器内的页面上均匀分布。

HTML 和 CSS 可以在这里找到:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
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  <meta name="description" content="Nicola Bobins and Anthony Cross are getting married on Wednesday 13th January 2010." /> 
  <meta name="keywords" content="wedding,Anthony,Nicola,Nicola Bobins and Anthony Cross,wedding site,,Anthony and Nicola's wedding" /> 
  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> 

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  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> 
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    sIFR.replace(myfont, {
      selector: 'h1',wmode: 'transparent',
        css: [ '.sIFR-root {color: #000000 ;font-size: 60px;}' ]



    <!-- Overlay shaded div for hover window --> 
    <div id="overlayfilm" style="display:none"></div> 

  <div class="main-container"> 

    <div class="top-thin-bar"><span class="main-table-top-banner"><strong>Wednesday 13th January 2010 - </strong> 52 days to go</span></div> 

    <!--   <div id="weatherbox">10 days before?<br />
     <br />
    Show weather here!</div> --> 
  <div class="left-panel"> 
      <div class="menu-box-top1"></div> 
      <div class="menu-box-middle"> 
        <li>The Wedding
          <ul id="Aitem_list">
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              <a href="Home.htm" title="Home" class="menu">Home
            <li id="Aitem_66" >
              <a href="About_Us.htm" title="About Us" class="menu">About Us
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              <a href="Reception.htm" title="Reception" class="menu">Reception
            <li id="Aitem_67" >
              <a href="Ceremony.htm" title="Ceremony" class="menu">Ceremony
            <li id="Aitem_69" >
              <a href="Timetable.htm" title="Timetable" class="menu">Timetable
    <div class="menu-box-bottom1"></div></div> 
  <div class="right-panel" id="right-panel-frame"> 

  <div class="intro-panel"> <h1>Our Wedding</h1><img height="333" border="0" align="right" width="250" class="photo-align-right" alt="image" src=""/> <span  id='homepage_intro'>This is a sample file that contains most elements that you may require to create a new CSS style.<br><br>Sadly we are unable to change the HTML template layout, but the CSS file is fully editable by you.<br><br>Once you have finished, please email the files as a ZIP archive to We will then import your CSS style into the system.<br><br>Please note: by sending us your CSS file and images, you agree to transfer any copyright or ownership of the design to You also confirm that you have not used any copyrighted images without permission from the copyright holder. You will accept full liability for breach of copyright. You also confirm that your CSS file may be used on our other members' sites, and by sending us your files, you are confirming your agreement of these terms and conditions.</span><br/> 
  <br style="clear:both;"> 


  <div class="front-page-boxes-wrapper"> 

    <div class="front-page-boxes-left"> 

      <p><em>The Wedding</em></p> 

      <p class="front-page-boxes-text">My Wedding box testing</p> 

      <p><img height="19" border="0" width="20" alt="Bullet" src=""/> </p> 


    <div class="front-page-boxes-middle"> 


      <p class="front-page-boxes-text">My wedding box</p> 

      <p><img height="19" border="0" width="20" alt="Bullet" src=""/> </p> 


    <div class="front-page-boxes-right"> 


      <p class="front-page-boxes-text">My Wedding Box</p> 

      <p><img height="19" border="0" width="20" alt="Bullet" src=""/> </p> 



   <!-- ABOUT US -->
    <h1>About Us</h1> 
        <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> 
          <td align="left" width="50%" valign="top" class="aboutus-cells"><p><strong>Penny</strong></p> 
            <p><img height="147" align="left" width="100" alt="Penny" class="photo-profiles" src=""/><span  id="about_bride"  >Age: 26<br/><br/>Middle Name: Rose<br/><br/>Likes: Bunting! <br/><br/>Dislikes: Getting up in the morning </span></p></td> 
          <td align="left" width="50%" valign="top" class="aboutus-cells"><p><strong>Andrew</strong></p> 
            <p><img height="147" align="left" width="100" alt="Andrew" class="photo-profiles" src=""/><span  id="about_groom"  >Age: 27<br/><br/>Middle Name: Donald<br/><br/>Likes:Everything to be tidy<br/><br/>Dislikes: Penny's Topshop Account </span></p></td> 

        <p><strong>How we met...</strong></p> 
        <span  id="about_howmet"  >Way way back at guide and scout camp in 1995 </span><p></p> 
          <p><strong>The proposal...</strong></p> 
        <span  id="about_proposal"  >Sleep deprived and slightly drunk on mojitos in Cuba, December 2007 </span><p></p> 

  <!-- GIFT LIST -->
   <h1>Gift List</h1> 

        <p><span  id="giftlist_intro"  >Introduction text for the giftlist page.</span></p> 

       <p><strong>The Online Gift List</strong></p> 
        <p>Please remember to click the "Mark as purchased" link to mark items as purchased to prevent duplications.</p> 
            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> 
            <td class="giftlist-header-row">Shop Name</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-header-row">Description</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-header-row">Cost</td> 
         <td class="giftlist-header-row">Quantity</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-header-row">Options</td> 

            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1966" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1966&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1966',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1966">3 tier steamer</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;19.99</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=3031" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=3031&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D3031',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID3031">Black 19cm rectangular stoneware dish</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;15</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1963" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1963&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1963',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1963">blue spice jar</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;2.44</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1960" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1960&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1960',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1960">blue spice jar set</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;10.76</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1859" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1859&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1859',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1859">Cocktail starter pack</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;39.92</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=2805" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=2805&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D2805',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID2805">cookn=book stand - light blue</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;27.25</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-rowa"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-rowa"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=3017" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=3017&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D3017',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID3017">Cream piglets salt and pepper pots</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-rowa">&pound;15.50</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-rowa">1</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-rowa"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=3017" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=3017&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D3017',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID3017">View</a> | <a onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-gift.php?giftid=3017&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D3017',,;return false;" name="Please Confirm Your Details..." id="giftID3017" href="#">Mark as purchased</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1962" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1962&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1962',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1962">cream spice jar</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;2.44</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1961" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1961&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1961',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1961">cream spice jar set</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;10.76</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=1696" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=1696&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D1696',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID1696">duck egg bed linen - oxford pillowcases</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;14.69</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"> </td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased"><a target="_blank" href="giftgo.php?id=3032" onclick="JT_show('ajax-purchase-giftview.php?giftid=3032&gifturl=giftgo.php%3Fid%3D3032',,;" name="Did you buy this Gift?" id="giftID3032">Granite petite round casserole dish</a></td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">&pound;10</td> 
           <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">-</td> 
            <td class="giftlist-row-purchased">Purchased</td> 



    <h1>Our Wedding</h1> 

        <p>Upload your high resolution wedding photos to Andrew and Penny's online photo album here. <br/><br/>Our site will automatically create web-friendly images, whilst the high resolution images will also be stored, allowing us to design a beautifully-printed photobook of our special day through our guests' eyes.</p> 
  <form action="uploadimages.php" method="POST" name="gbook"> 
  <div class="front-page-boxes"> 

        <strong>Upload your photos</strong> &nbsp;(Step 1 of 2)
        <br/><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> 
            <td>Your name: </td> 

            <td><input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="30"/></td> 
            <td nowrap="nowrap">Email address: *</td> 
            <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="30"/></td> 
      <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> 
        function callme(){
        var row = document.getElementById("showme");

            <td nowrap="nowrap">Select destination album:</td> 
        <select name="usealbum" OnChange="callme();"><option>Please Select</option><option value='0' selected>Create a new photo album</option> 
  <option value="from your American " >Test album 1</option> 
  <option value="Scotty's photos of the big day" >Test album 2</option> 
       <tr ID='showme' > 
            <td nowrap="nowrap">Title for your new album:</td> 
            <td><input name="newname" type="text" id="email" size="30"/></td> 
            <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</td> 
            <td align="left"><input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Go >" /></td> 
          <td colspan="3"> 
          <font size="1">* Note: email address is stored <b>only</b> for Name1 and Name2's private use</font> 

      <br/>Please note: all photos must be personally approved by us before they go live on the site, so there may be a slight delay before you see it in the albums.


  <br class="clearbreak" /> 




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为了让它工作,我添加了以下 css 样式并删除了旧的 css 样式:


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                display: block;
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                font-family: Georgia;
                letter-spacing: 0px;

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ul {
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              text-decoration: none;

fiddler :


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