python - CSV 读取错误 : new-line character seen in unquoted field

标签 python csv

我创建了一个 python 脚本,它使用包含 10 条记录的测试 CSV 数据集。当我将其扩展到实际数据集(几千行)时,出现以下错误:

_csv.Error: new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode?


with open('./Origins.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    origincoords = ['{Y},{X}'.format(**row) for row in reader]


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 14, in <module>
    origincoords = ['{Y},{X}'.format(**row) for row in reader]
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 103, in next
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 90, in fieldnames
    self._fieldnames =
_csv.Error: new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode?

也许我使用的 CSV 读取方法存在比例问题?


来自 PEP-0278 :

In a Python with universal newline support open() the mode parameter can also be "U", meaning "open for input as a text file with universal newline interpretation". Mode "rU" is also allowed, for symmetry with "rb"


with open('./Destinations.csv', 'r') as csvfile:

with open('./Destinations.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:


with open('./Destinations.csv', 'rU') as csvfile:

根据 Martijn Pieters 的评论进行编辑。

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