html - "href"代表什么?

标签 html w3c web-standards


在写了几年 html 之后,我意识到我真的不知道为什么 href 属性被命名为 "href"

HTML Recomendation没有通过说来阐明这个主题:

This attribute specifies the location of a Web resource, thus defining a link between the current element (the source anchor) and the destination anchor defined by this attribute.

还有 HTML 4.01 DTD没有提供很多线索。

href %URI; #IMPLIED -- URI for linked resource --




来自source由 Tim Berners-Lee 亲自撰写。:

"Help" is all that is displayed, with some indication that it is an option. If the user choses (clicks a mouse on, choses by number depending on which client he has) then the client asks the server for /HEPDATA/HELP. ("A" is for "anchor", "HREF" is for "hypertext reference")

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