css - 伪元素中的字体系列

标签 css internet-explorer pseudo-element css-tables

Internet Explorer 8、9、10 似乎始终使用相同的(系统)字体。事实上,Internet Explorer 根本不关心font-family。重要的是 display:table-cell:before:after 的组合:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        body > div {
            display: table;

        body > div > div:before {
            font-family: monospace;
            display: table-cell;
            content: 'Not a monospace font in IE.';




在我看来,display: table-cell 导致了这个问题。

User agents must ignore the following properties with :before and :after pseudo-elements: 'position', 'float', list properties, and table properties.

The :before and :after pseudo-elements elements allow values of the 'display' property as follows:

If the subject of the selector is a block-level element, allowed values are 'none', 'inline', 'block', and 'marker'. If the value of the 'display' has any other value, the pseudo-element will behave as if the value were 'block'.
If the subject of the selector is an inline-level element, allowed values are 'none' and 'inline'. If the value of the 'display' has any other value, the pseudo-element will behave as if the value were 'inline'.


因此,不要使用 display: table-cell,而是使用 display: block。它将按预期工作。在我看来,在这种情况下 IE 的错误处理可能会出现错误。

关于css - 伪元素中的字体系列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18019697/


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