CSS:如何在 Shadow DOM 根目录中定位::有槽的 sibling ?

标签 css web-component shadow-dom native-web-component

我知道规范目前只允许::slotted 的复合选择器,即 ::slotted(my-first + my-second) 是不允许的,但这样的事情应该有效吗?

::slotted(x-first) + ::slotted(x-second) { /* css */ }

有什么方法可以定位开槽的 sibling (除了全局 css 之外)?如果没有,我应该在哪里提出这样的请求?谢谢。


当然可以选择siblingsslots / slotted .


选择 sibling :

slot[name=<slotname>] ~ <selector>



A compound-selector包含标签/类别/ID/名称等,但不能有任何combinators .喜欢<space>例如。



.<myClass> > .<anotherClass>没有


var element = document.querySelector('.templateMe');
var shadow = element.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
var template = document.querySelector('.myTemplate');
<template class="myTemplate">
  <style type="text/css">
    ::slotted([slot=slot1]) { /* slot1 every slotted element - YES */
      color: red;
    slot[name=slot1] { /* slot1 itself - YES */
      text-decoration: underline;
    slot[name=slot1] + .siblingA { /* slot1 siblingA (direct sibling) - YES */
      color: green;
    slot[name=slot1]  ~ .siblingB { /* slot1 siblingB (any sibling) - YES */
      color: orange;
    slot[name=slot2]::slotted(.selectMeA) { /* slot2 TOP-LEVEL CHILD (slotted) - YES */
      color: purple;
    slot[name=slot2]::slotted(.selectMeB) { /* slot2 NOT TOP-LEVEL CHILD - NO */
      font-weight: bold;
    slot[name=slot2]::slotted(.selectMeC[name=myName]) { /* slot2 TOP-LEVEL CHILD (slotted) - YES */
      color: khaki;
    slot[name=slot2] + .siblingC { /* slot2 sibling - YES */
      color: blue;
    <slot name="slot1"></slot>
    <div class="siblingA">Sibling A of Slot 1</div>
    <div class="siblingB">Sibling B of Slot 1</div>
    <slot name="slot2"></slot>
    <div class="siblingC">Sibling C of Slot 2</div>

<div class='templateMe'>
  <span slot="slot1">Im in Solt 1</span>
  <span slot="slot2" class="selectMeA">
    Im in Solt 2, im selectable.
    <div class='selectMeB'>
      NOT selectable (because no top level node of slotted)!
  <span slot="slot2" class="selectMeC" name="myName">Im in Solt 2 too and selectable!</span>

更多here .

slotted elements (coming from light DOM), ::slotted(selector) allows to select slotted elements themselves, but not their children.

关于CSS:如何在 Shadow DOM 根目录中定位::有槽的 sibling ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49678342/


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