css 样式与 html

标签 css





=== 现在这就是我所做的:但它转到左侧。我希望它留在右侧。完整代码如下:

     <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
     <style type="text/css" media="screen">

        * @tab Page 
        * @section background color 
        * @tip Choose a color for your HTML email's background. You might choose one to match your company's branding. 
        * @theme page 
        body { 
            /*@editable*/ background-color:#FFFFFF; 

        #layout { 
            margin:0 auto; 

        * @tab Header
        * @section header top 
        * @tip Set the look of the archive link bar. 
        #header-top { 
            /*@editable*/ background-color:#FFFFFF; 
            /*@editable*/ border-top:0px none;
            /*@editable*/ border-bottom:0px none;
            /*@editable*/ color:#505050;
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:11px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal; 
            padding:15px 0 5px; 
            /*@editable*/ text-align:center; 

        * @tab Header 
        * @section title style 
        * @tip Titles and headlines in your message body. Make them big and easy to read. 
        * @theme title 
        .primary-heading { 
            /*@editable*/ color:#ACCB4E; 
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:48px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
            /*@editable*/ line-height:100%; 
            /*@editable*/ text-transform:uppercase; 

        * @tab Header 
        * @section subtitle style 
        * @tip This is the byline text that appears immediately underneath your titles/headlines. 
        * @theme subtitle 
        .secondary-heading { 
            /*@editable*/ color:#ACCB4E; 
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:20px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ line-height:100%; 
            padding:10px 0 0 0;
            /*@editable*/ text-transform:uppercase; 

        * @tab Body 
        * @section content 
        * @tip This is the default text style for the main content of your email. 
        * @theme content 
        #content-left, #content-right { 
            /*@editable*/ background-color:#FFFFFF;
            /*@editable*/ color:#808080; 
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:14px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
            /*@editable*/ line-height:150%;
            padding:15px 0 15px 20px;


        * @tab Body 
        * @section green box 
        * @tip This is the default style for the green tip box of your email. 
        * @theme content 
            /*@editable*/ background:#ACCB4E;
            /*@editable*/ color:#FFFFFF;
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:16px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
            /*@editable*/ line-height:150%;
            padding:10px 20px;
            /*@editable*/ text-transform:none;

        * @tab Body 
        * @section green tip box heading 
        * @tip This is the default style for the heading of the green tip box. 
        * @theme content 
        #greenbox .secondary-heading {
            /*@editable*/ color:#FFFFFF;
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:20px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;

        * @tab Body 
        * @section sidebar widget headings 
        * @tip This is the default style for the sidebar widgets of your email. 
        * @theme content 
        .widget .secondary-heading {
            /*@editable*/ color:#ACCB4E; 
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:18px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
            /*@editable*/ line-height:100%;
            /*@editable*/ text-transform:none;

        * @tab Body 
        * @section sidebar widget text
        * @tip This is the default style for the sidebar widgets of your email. 
        * @theme content 
        .widget {
            /*@editable*/ color:#808080; 
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:12px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
            /*@editable*/ line-height:150%;

        * @tab Footer 
        * @section footer 
        * @tip You might give your footer a light background color and separate it with a top border 
        * @theme footer 
        #footer { 
            /*@editable*/ background-color:#FFFFFF; 
            /*@editable*/ border-top:0px none;
            /*@editable*/ border-bottom:0px none;
            /*@editable*/ color:#909090;
            /*@editable*/ font-family:Arial; 
            /*@editable*/ font-size:11px; 
            /*@editable*/ font-style:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ line-height:14px; 
            padding:20px 0 20px 0;
            /*@editable*/ text-align:center;

        * @tab Footer 
        * @section link style 
        * @tip Specify a color for your footer hyperlinks. 
        * @theme link_footer 
        #footer a { 
            /*@editable*/ color:#5D7428; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ text-decoration:underline; 

        * @tab Page 
        * @section link style 
        * @tip Specify a color for all the hyperlinks in your email. 
        * @theme link 
        a, a:link, a:visited { 
            /*@editable*/ color:#5D7428; 
            /*@editable*/ font-weight:normal; 
            /*@editable*/ text-decoration:underline; 
    <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="layout">
            <td id="header-top" colspan="2" mc:edit="header-top">
                <p>Email not displaying correctly? <a href="*|ARCHIVE|*" title="View this email in your browser.">View it in your browser</a></p>
            <td id="content-left" colspan="1">
                <div mc:edit="main">
                    <!--<img src="http://gallery.mailchimp.com/0d61bb2ec9002f0e9872b8c36/images/environment_newsletter_header.png">-->
                    <img alt="" border="0" height="234px" src="http://gallery.mailchimp.com/86b4d752e397a2dbd09e3dd60/images/big_image_edited.2.jpg" width="400px" />
                    <h1 class="primary-heading">Live Green</h1>
                    <p>Sample copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer orem adipiscing elit. Est em morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra est gravida. Suspendisse id velit vitae et ligula volutpat ipsum condimentum. </p>
                    <p>Sample copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer orem adipiscing elit. Est em morbi commodo.</p>
                <div id="greenbox" mc:edit="greenbox">
                    <h2 class="secondary-heading">Green Living Tip</h2>
                    <p>Sample copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer orem adipiscing elit. Est em morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra est gravida, orci magna fugit rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. </p>

  <tr> <div id="content-right" colspan="1">
        <div class="widget" mc:repeatable>
            <div mc:edit="content-right-repeatable">
                <h2 class="secondary-heading">Green Living Tip</h2>
                <p>Sample copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer orem adipiscing elit. Est em morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra est gravida, orci magna fugit rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis.</p>
                <p><a href="#">Read More</a></p>

    <div id="content-right" colspan="1">
        <div class="widget" mc:repeatable>
            <div mc:edit="content-right-repeatable">
                <h2 class="secondary-heading">Green Living Tip</h2>
                <p>Sample copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer orem adipiscing elit. Est em morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra est gravida, orci magna fugit rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis.</p>
                <p><a href="#">Read More</a></p>

            <td id="footer" colspan="2" mc:edit="footer">
                <p><a href="*|UNSUB|*">Unsubscribe</a> | <a href="*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*">Update your profile</a> | <a href="*|FORWARD|*">Forward to a friend</a></p>
                <p>Copyright (C) *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|* All rights reserved.<br />*|LIST:DESCRIPTION|*<br />*|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|*</p>
    <span style="padding: 0px;"></span>


如果您只是使用表格来布局各个元素,则可以(并且应该)使用 CSS。只需将 'td' 放入 div 中,它们就会自动放置在另一个下面。然后,如果您想稍后更改位置,只需更新 CSS 而不是重新排列表格结构。

我在http://www.htmldog.com/guides/找到了一系列很好的有用教程。将布局从基于表格更改为基于 CSS 时。

关于css 样式与 html,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3442199/


jquery - 如何动态调整来自下拉列表的文本的边框底线?

html - Bootstrap 导航折叠到网站主体

css - 相对元素中的绝对定位元素导致 Chrome/Safari 溢出

html - 带或不带 Twitter Bootstrap 的嵌套侧边栏

javascript - 如何在单击时删除 Opera 中的蓝色边框

html - 如何在相对位置或任何地方在左上/下左或右上/右下实现内联 block ?

html - 按百分比更改图像高度不起作用

html - 更改导航栏的颜色

javascript - 我的 Bootstrap Image Carousel 在移动设备上每张幻灯片都会滑动两次

html - 释放空间后移动页脚列(ipad 视口(viewport))