html - 条件双极内表条形图 - Pandas - CSS

标签 html css excel pandas bar-chart

对于我的 Pandas 数据框 (python) 的 html 表示,我想创建尽可能类似于下图(使用 Excel 创建)的东西,也就是说,给定一个序列数字,创建INSIDE A TABLE,一些水平条形图,如果值大于零,则变为绿色,如果低于零,则变为红色,并且轴中的“零”点会根据动态重新缩放到提供的数据。我最接近的是使用 pandas native instruments 由下面的代码给出( enter image description here

#done in Jupyter
from pandas import DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame([-0.02, 0.03, 0.04, -0.05], columns=['A'])

more_than_zero = df.loc[df.loc[:,'A'] >= 0].index.values.tolist()
less_than_zero = df.loc[df.loc[:,'A'] < 0].index.values.tolist()[more_than_zero,'A'], color='#d65f5f')[less_than_zero, 'B'], color='#7fff00')


更新:这个答案导致拉取请求 pandas-dev/pandas#14757在 Pandas v0.20.0 中被接受。该文档可以在 Pandas 网站上找到,网址为 style.html#Bar-charts

目前无法使用 pandas 开箱即用(我会尽快实现),但现在这里有一个猴子修补解决方案:

def _bar_center_zero(self, s, color_positive, color_negative, width):

    # Either the min or the max should reach the edge (50%, centered on zero)
    m = max(abs(s.min()),abs(s.max()))

    normed = s * 50 * width / (100 * m)

    base = 'width: 10em; height: 80%;'

    attrs_neg = (base+ 'background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 0%, transparent {w}%, {c} {w}%, '
                 '{c} 50%, transparent 50%)')

    attrs_pos = (base+ 'background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 0%, transparent 50%, {c} 50%, {c} {w}%, '
                 'transparent {w}%)')

    return [attrs_pos.format(c=color_positive,  w=(50+x)) if x > 0
                else attrs_neg.format(c=color_negative, w=(50+x)) 
                    for x in normed]

def bar_excel(self, subset=None, axis=0, color_positive='#5FBA7D', 
                  color_negative='#d65f5f', width=100):
    Color the background ``color`` proptional to the values in each column.
    Excludes non-numeric data by default.
    .. versionadded:: 0.17.1
    subset: IndexSlice, default None
        a valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to
    axis: int
    color_positive: str
    color_negative: str
    width: float
        A number between 0 or 100. The largest value will cover ``width``
        percent of the cell's width
    self : Styler
    #subset = _maybe_numeric_slice(, subset)
    #subset = _non_reducing_slice(subset)

    self.apply(self._bar_center_zero, axis=axis, subset=subset, 
               color_positive=color_positive, color_negative=color_negative,
    return self

Monkey-patch 到 Styler 类: = _bar_center_zero = bar_excel


df = pd.DataFrame([-0.02, 0.03, 0.04, -0.05], columns=['A'])'#5FBA7D', color_negative='#d65f5f')

Pandas bar chart sparkline like Excel


从那以后我创建了一个 pull request在 GitHub 上我实现了这个以及“动态”居中的选项(align='mid')。

您可以通过指定选项 align 并根据您的数据类型获得的结果条如下所示:

enter image description here

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