css - CSS+选择器和~选择器的区别

标签 css css-selectors


我看到一个.class1 ~ .class2今天选择器,必须查找它。

div ~ p {}

选择每个 <p><div> 开头的元素元素。换句话说,



然后是 +选择器:

div + p {}

选择所有 <p>紧跟在 <div> 之后的元素元素。换句话说,





有一个重要的区别,+ 组合符声明:

The elements represented by the two sequences share the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the first sequence immediately precedes the element represented by the second one.


<p></p>      <!-- this will be selected with the + combinator -->

<p></p>      <!-- these two paragraphs will be affected by the ~ combinator -->
<p></p>      <!-- but NOT by the + combinator -->

请不要混淆 W3C ,一个严肃的标准化网络技术的机构,w3schools 是一个相当 bad source for information !

关于css - CSS+选择器和~选择器的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21264820/


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