java - 描述用于十进制到二进制转换的此函数

标签 java c++ c

我无法理解为什么它打印总二进制位而不是 Java 和 C++ 中的最后一位。我在 C 中检查了它,因为我认为它只显示最后一位。但是,在 C++ 和 Java 中,它会打印所有位。

public static void main(String[] args) {

}// end of main

static void toBin(int b) {
    int modu = 0;

    if (b < 1) {
    modu = b % 2;

}// end of toBin()



让我们研究一下当您在数字 5 上调用 toBin 时会发生什么:

modu of the first level of invocation is set to 1 (5%2)
    toBin is called on 2 (5>>1)
    modu of the second level of invocation is set to 0 (4%2)
    toBin is called on 1 (2>>1)
        modu of the third level of invocation is set to 1 (1%2)
        toBin is called on 0 (1>>1)
             toBin returns because b < 1
        modu of the third level is printed: 1; toBin returns
     modu of the second level is printed: 0; toBin returns
 modu of the first level is printed: 1; toBin returns

作为结果,101,即 5 的二进制表示,被打印出来。

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