c++ - 交换结构 vector 的内容 c++

标签 c++ vector struct

我有一个结构 vector ,由两个字符串、一个长整数和一个整数数组组成。创建所述结构后,我将数组中的每个元素初始化为 0。我的问题是,我将如何为数组中的每个元素分配不同的值?我尝试使用交换和分配,但它们更多地用于具有两个一维 vector ,而不是二维 vector ,而且我只想在给定时间更改特定结构中的值。请帮忙?谢谢!


//this is my struct
typedef struct {
  string lastName;
  string firstName;
  long int gNumber;
  int grades[12];
} student;

 //this function takes data from a file, fills it into a struct, then pushes back into //vector

bool loadStudentData( vector<student> &studentRecords, ifstream *inFile, student    tempStudent) {
  int idx = 0;
  stringstream fileLine; 
  string line;
  bool isLoaded = true;    
  char letterInGNumber; 
  while (getline(*inFile, line)) {
    fileLine << line; 
    getline(fileLine, tempStudent.lastName, ',');
    getline(fileLine, tempStudent.firstName, ',');
    fileLine >> letterInGNumber;
    fileLine >> tempStudent.gNumber; 
    for (idx = 0; idx <= 11; idx++) {
        tempStudent.grades[idx] = 0;
  return isLoaded; 

 //this function is trying to take things from a second file, and if the Gnumber(the //long int) is found in the vector then assign values to the grade array
void loadClassData(vector<student> &studentRecords, ifstream *inFile) {
  int idx = 0, idxTwo = 0, idxThree = 0;
  long int tempGNumber = 0;
  stringstream fileLine;
  vector<long int> gNumbers; 
  bool numberFound = false;
  char letterInGNumber;
  string line;
  while (getline(*inFile, line)) {
    numberFound = false;
    fileLine << line;
    fileLine >> letterInGNumber;
    fileLine >> tempGNumber; 
    for (idxTwo = 0; idxTwo <= studentRecords.size(); idxTwo++) {
        if (studentRecords[idxTwo].gNumber == tempGNumber) {
            numberFound = true;
    if (numberFound) {
        for (idxThree = 0; idxThree <= 11; idxThree++) {
            //fileLine >> studentRecords[idx].grades[idxThree];
            /**********here is the problem, I don't know how to assign the grade values******/
    else {
        cout << "G Number could not be found!" << endl << endl;



您应该做的是定义一个运算符 >> 重载并读入它。例如,

//assume the following structure when reading in the data from file
// firstName lastName N n1 n2 n3 ... nN
ostream& operator>>(ostream& stream, student& s){
      stream >> s.firstName;
      stream >> s.lastName;
      stream >> s.gNumber
      for(int i = 0; i < s.gNumber; ++i){
         stream >> s.grades[i];

//... in main
student temp;
std::vector<student> studentList;
while(inFile >> temp) studentList.push_back(temp);

关于c++ - 交换结构 vector 的内容 c++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10375588/


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