c++ - 条件自动变量

标签 c++ memory memory-management callstack

void function(typeA* ptr_to_A) {
  if (!ptr_to_A) {
    typeB B; // typeB is a derived class of typeA
    ptr_to_A = &B;
  // my hope is that B is still in scope here so that this function will operate on my B object (which is on the stack) which only gets created if ptr_to_A was initially NULL

这个函数会做我想做的事(我想让它做的事)吗?也就是说,如果参数是空指针,只在堆栈上分配 B 吗?


Will this function do what I think it does?

不,这是未定义的行为,因为 B 超出范围。由于这是未定义的行为,任何事情都可能发生,因此您无法预测结果。您希望将 B 至少保持在与​​函数调用相同的范围内,因此只需将其移至方法的顶部即可:

void function(typeA* ptr_to_A) {
   typeB B; // typeB is a derived class of typeA
   if (!ptr_to_A) {
      ptr_to_A = &B;

但是如果你只想在 ptr_to_A 为 null 时分配一个 typeB 那么你可以这样做:

void function(typeA* ptr_to_A) {
  if (!ptr_to_A) {
    typeB B; // typeB is a derived class of typeA
  } else {

关于c++ - 条件自动变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12925669/


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