c++ - 关于 GLM 网格中的碰撞检测

标签 c++ opengl

我是 opengl 和 glm 的新手,目前我正在做一个类项目,我上传了两个对象汽车如下

void CARMODEL:: drawmodel_box()
    glTranslatef(carx,cary ,carz);
    if (!pmodel1){
        pmodel1 = glmReadOBJ("Car.obj");

    glmDraw(pmodel1, GLM_SMOOTH | GLM_TEXTURE | GLM_MATERIAL);

void OpponentCarModel::drawopponentmodel()
    opcarx=rand() % 7-3+(double)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1)*(1-0)+0;


    if (!pmodel2){
        pmodel2 = glmReadOBJ("car.obj");

    glmDraw(pmodel2, GLM_SMOOTH | GLM_TEXTURE | GLM_MATERIAL);



是的,但是您可以确切地知道模型在矩阵中的位置,因为您在 glmDraw() 之前调用了 glTranslatef() 将它们放置在那里。现在,由于您知道模型的 x,y,z 坐标,您可以开始检查简单的碰撞。

但如果您正在寻找更真实/更复杂的碰撞检测,您应该打开 glm.h 并检查 GLMmodel 结构的定义,因为它存储了所有需要的东西在屏幕上绘制模型,包括顶点信息、法线、纹理坐标等:

/* GLMmodel: Structure that defines a model.
typedef struct _GLMmodel {
  char*    pathname;            /* path to this model */
  char*    mtllibname;          /* name of the material library */

  GLuint   numvertices;         /* number of vertices in model */
  GLfloat* vertices;            /* array of vertices  */

  GLuint   numnormals;          /* number of normals in model */
  GLfloat* normals;             /* array of normals */

  GLuint   numtexcoords;        /* number of texcoords in model */
  GLfloat* texcoords;           /* array of texture coordinates */

  GLuint   numfacetnorms;       /* number of facetnorms in model */
  GLfloat* facetnorms;          /* array of facetnorms */

  GLuint       numtriangles;    /* number of triangles in model */
  GLMtriangle* triangles;       /* array of triangles */

  GLuint       nummaterials;    /* number of materials in model */
  GLMmaterial* materials;       /* array of materials */

  GLuint       numgroups;       /* number of groups in model */
  GLMgroup*    groups;          /* linked list of groups */

  GLfloat position[3];          /* position of the model */

} GLMmodel;

关于c++ - 关于 GLM 网格中的碰撞检测,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14921392/


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