c++ - 如何为多线程客户端访问多个线程上的同一个套接字

标签 c++ multithreading sockets client client-server



我已经包含了我的客户端代码的相关部分(通过函数 connectToServer 连接到服务器)

/*thread for sending messages to server*/
DWORD WINAPI send_handle_thread(LPVOID threadInfo)
/*structure contains all the data this callback works on*/
myThreadArgument* send_argument = (myThreadArgument*)threadInfo;

/*get client connection*/
myTcpSocket my_client(PORTNUM);

string server_ip_address = "";

my_client.connectToServer(server_ip_address, ADDRESS); //this is where the thread connects to server

while (1)
    /*send messages*/

return 1;

/*thread for receiving messages from server*/
DWORD WINAPI rec_handle_thread(LPVOID threadInfo)
/*structure contains all the data this callback works on*/
myThreadArgument* send_argument = (myThreadArgument*)threadInfo;

/*get client connection*/
myTcpSocket my_client(PORTNUM);

string server_ip_address = "";

my_client.connectToServer(server_ip_address, ADDRESS); //this is where thread connects to server

int rec_bytes = 0;

while (1)
    /*receive messages*/

return 1;

int main()
/*build a semaphore to synchronise access to std::cout*/
mySemaphore cout_semaphore(string(""),1);

/*initialize the winsock library*/

/*get local (client) information (assume neither the name nor the address is given)*/
myHostInfo client_info;
string client_name = client_info.getHostName();
string client_ip_address = client_info.getHostIPAddress();

cout << "local host (client) information: " << endl;
cout << "   name:       " << client_name << endl;
cout << "   address:    " << client_ip_address << endl << endl;

/*retrieve server's IP name and address*/
string server_ip_address = "";

myHostInfo server_info(server_ip_address, ADDRESS);
string server_name = server_info.getHostName();

cout << "remote host (server) information: " << endl;
cout << "   name:       " << server_name << endl;
cout << "   address:    " << server_ip_address << endl;

/*retrieve client's IP name and address*/
myTcpSocket my_client(PORTNUM);
cout << my_client;

/*create thread to send messages to server*/
myThreadArgument* send_argument = new myThreadArgument(&my_client, &cout_semaphore, client_name);
myThread* send_thread = new myThread(send_handle_thread, (void*)send_argument);

/*create thread to receive message from server*/
myThreadArgument* rec_argument = new myThreadArgument(&my_client, &cout_semaphore, client_name);
myThread* rec_thread = new myThread(rec_handle_thread, (void*)rec_argument);

while (1)
    cout << "main thread";

return 1;


void myTcpSocket::connectToServer(string& serverNameOrAddr,hostType hType)
   when this method is called, a client socket has been built already,
   so we have the socketId and portNumber ready.

   a myHostInfo instance is created, no matter how the server's name is 
   given (such as www.yuchen.net) or the server's address is given (such
   as, we can use this myHostInfo instance to get the 
   IP address of the server

myHostInfo serverInfo(serverNameOrAddr,hType);

// Store the IP address and socket port number  
struct sockaddr_in serverAddress;
serverAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(serverInfo.getHostIPAddress());
serverAddress.sin_port = htons(portNumber);

// Connect to the given address
    if (connect(socketId,(struct sockaddr *)&serverAddress,sizeof(serverAddress)) == -1)
        #ifdef WINDOWS_7 //XP
            int errorCode = 0;
            string errorMsg = "error calling connect():\n";
            myException socketConnectException(errorCode,errorMsg);
            throw socketConnectException;

        #ifdef UNIX
            myException unixSocketConnectException(0,"unix: error calling connect()");
            throw unixSocketConnectException;
catch(myException& excp)



关于c++ - 如何为多线程客户端访问多个线程上的同一个套接字,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15331704/


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