c++ - 如何指定 GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 的调用类型 System : Func?

标签 c++ types clr marshalling function-pointers

任务将回调类型 System::Func 传递给非托管函数。

   //c++ clr

        class Unmanagement
          void Test()
            Marshal::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(callback,);//<----how to specify the type?
          IntPtr callback;

        bool Init(Func<IntPtr, Int32, Int32,Int32>^ callback)
          Unmanagement a=new Unmanagement;
          IntPtr cb=Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callback);


Func<IntPtr, Int32, Int32, Int32>::typeid

关于c++ - 如何指定 GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 的调用类型 System : Func?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15517904/


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