c++ - 模板运算符 ->

标签 c++ templates


有没有办法方便地调用模板运算符->? 在变体这样的类中有这种可能性会很酷


struct base_t
   template<class T>
   T* operator->()
      return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   base_t x;
   x.operator-><std::pair<int,int>>()->first; //works, but inconvenient
   x<std::pair<int,int>>->first; // does not work
   x-><std::pair<int,int>>first; //does not work

   return 0;

我需要证据 =)



struct base_t
   template<class T>
   T operator () ()
      return T();

int main()
   base_t x;
   x.operator ()<int>(); // works
   x.()<int>(); // not works

An expression x->m is interpreted as (x.operator->())->m for a class object x of type T if T::operator->() exists and if the operator is selected as the best match function by the overload resolution mechanism

postfix-expression -> templateopt id-expression

postfix-expression -> pseudo-destructor-name

因此,语法 x-><T>完全不正确。

关于c++ - 模板运算符 ->,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15833489/


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