php - 如何在PHP扩展中捕获上传的文件数据

标签 php c++ c php-extension

我现在正在用 c/c++ 编写一个 PHP 扩展。用户上传文件(可以是 POST 或 PUT 方法,但我可以将其限制为仅 POST)。我需要捕捉 文件数据,同时 上传,而不将其写入服务器上的磁盘。我需要处理 数据和(也许, 视情况而定)将其发送到其他地方或将其保存到磁盘。 我当然知道,我可以处理文件 上传后(保存在服务器的磁盘上),但我会 喜欢避免它。 我还需要做一些相反的事情:我需要生成一个文件“在 飞”并发送 给用户。生成文件的所有元数据都是事先已知的 (例如尺寸、名称)。

找了好久没找到 任何接近解决方案的东西。 是否有任何示例或现有的 PHP 扩展可以做某事 像这样(至少类似的东西)?


我无法评论 Hook 上传过程,但对于下载部分你需要:

  1. 处理下载请求和发送 http header 的 php 脚本;
    必须注意根据 RFC 2183 的文件名,实际上只允许使用 us-ascii。
  2. php 扩展中的一个函数/方法,用于将数据流式传输到浏览器


这是一个完整的 php 脚本,它还检查是否只请求了所需文件的范围:


// sanity checks ...

// script must not timeout
// user abortion is checked in extension while streaming the data

$filename = $_GET['filename'];
// TODO determine filesize
$filesize = 0;
$offset = 0;
$range_len = -1;
$have_valid_range = false;

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']))
    // split 'bytes=n-m'
    list($range_type, $range) = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
    // split 'n-m' or 'n-'
    $range = explode('-', $range);
    // range type can only be 'bytes', check it anyway
    $have_valid_range = ($range_type == 'bytes') && is_array($range);
    if (!$have_valid_range)
        header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', true, 416);

    if ($range[0] > $filesize)
        $range[0] = $filesize;
    if ((!$range[1]             )   || 
        ($range[1] > $filesize  )   )
        $range[1] = $filesize;
    $offset = $range[0];
    $range_len = $range[1]-$range[0]+1;

$attachment_filename = 'xyz';

// send metadata
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
if ($have_valid_range)
    header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content', true, 206);
    header('Content-Length: ' . $range_len);
    header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $range[0] . '-' . $range[1] . ($filesize > 0 ? ('/' . $filesize) : ''));
else if ($filesize > 0)
    header('Content-Length: ' . $filesize);

// a note about the suggested filename for saving the attachment:
// It's not as easy as one might think!
// We deal (in our php scripts) with utf-8 and the filename is either the export profile's name or a term 
// entered by the user in the download form. Now the big problem is:
// According to the rfc for the Content-Disposition header only us-ascii characters are allowed! 
// (see, section "the filename parameter")
// However, all major browsers accept the filename to be encoded in iso-8859-1 (at least).
// There are other forms like: filename*="utf-8''<urlencoded filename>" but not 
// all browsers support this (most notably IE, only firefox and opera at the moment);
// (see for testcases)
// Additionally, IE doesn't like so much the '.' and ';' because it treats them as the beginning of the file extension,  
// and then thinks that it deals with a .*&%$§ file instead of a .zip file.
// The double quote '"' is already used as a delimiter for the filename parameter and it's unclear to me 
// how browsers would handle it.
// Hence the procedure to produce a safe suggested filename as the least common denominator is as follows:
// Replace characters to be known as problematic with an underscore and encode the filename in iso-8859-1;
// Note that '?' (they can also result from utf8_decode()), '*', '<', '>', '|', ';', ':', '.', '\' are replaced by 
// firefox and IE with '_' anyway, additionally '#' by IE - meaning that they offer a filename with the mentioned 
// characters replaced by the underscore, i.e.: abc äöü +~*?ß=}'!§$%&/()´`<>|,-_:__@?\_{[]  -->  abc äöü +~__ß=}'!§$%&_()´`___,-____@___{[] 
$safe_attachment_fname = utf8_decode(str_replace(array('.', ';', '"'), '_', $attachment_filename)) . '.zip';
$filename_param = 'filename="' . $safe_attachment_fname . '"';

header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Content-Type: application/zip');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; ' . $filename_param);
// file can be cached forever by clients and proxies
header('Cache-Control: public');

// disable output buffering, stream directly to the browser;
// in fact, this is a must, otherwise php might crash
while (ob_get_level())

// stream data
ext_downstreamdata($filename, $offset, $range_len);


从 C/C++ 流式传输

现在,对于 c++ 部分,上面 php 脚本中提到的函数 ext_downstreamdata() 完全是特定于实现的,但数据流本身可以通用化。


这是一个函数,它作为 C++ 代码中流函数的回调函数,接收指向数据及其长度的指针(返回 Windows 错误代码):

unsigned long stream2browser(const void* pdata, size_t nLen)
    if (nLen)
        // fetch zend's tls stuff

        // send data via the zend engine to the browser;
        // this method uses whatever output buffer mechanism (compression, ...) is in use;
        // It's a really good idea to turn off all output buffer levels in the php script because of 
        // strange crashes somewhere within the zend engine (or in one of the extensions?)
        // I did some debugging and the browser really crashes and it's not our fault, turning off the output 
        // buffering solves all problems; you turn it off like this in the script:
        //  <code>
        //  while (ob_get_level())
        //      ob_end_flush();
        //  </code>
        // I'm thinking to use an unbuffered output function (e.g. php_ub_body_write) but don't know for sure how to use it, so 
        // still stay away from it and rely on the script having disabled all output buffers

        // note: php_write returns int but this value is the bytes sent to the browser (which is nLen)
        size_t nSent = php_write((void*) pdata, uint(nLen) TSRMLS_CC);
        if (nSent < nLen)
            if (PG(connection_status) & PHP_CONNECTION_ABORTED)
                return ERROR_CANCELLED;
                return ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE;

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

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