c++ - 为什么我不能读取所有 Ctrl + 'letters'

标签 c++ console-application conio


我只是想测试输入的修改。我已经确定 shift 有效,但现在我决定测试 CtrlAlt

问题 1 为什么 Alt 不修改任何输入的键码?

问题 2 为什么我无法捕获某些 Ctrl + 组合? 例如。 Ctrl + s; Ctrl + 1-9;

Ctrl + 2 有效,但我认为这可能是因为我的键盘设置为英国。



#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <cwchar>

union wide_char
    short Result;
    char C[2];

int main()
    wchar_t R;
    int N;
    wide_char user_input;
                                                    //Loops forever, this is only a proof of concept program proving this is possible to incorporate into a larger program
        user_input.C[0] = 0;
        user_input.C[1] = 0;
                                                    //Loop twice, or until code causes the loop to exit
                                                        //Two times are neccessary for function keys unfortunately
        for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                                                    //While there isn't a key pressed, loop doing nothing
                                                    //Grab the next key from the buffer
                                                        //Since the loop is done, there must be at least one
            user_input.C[i] = getch();
                case 0:
                case -32:
                                                    //The key pressed is a Function key because it matches one of these two cases
                                                        //This means getch() must be called twice
                                                        //Break switch, run the for loop again ++i
                                                    //The character obtained from getch() is from a regular key
                                                        //Or this is the second char from getch() because the for loop is on run #2
                                                        //Either way we need a wide char (16 bits / 2 Bytes)
                    if(user_input.C[1] != 0)
                                                    //Function keys {Arrows, F1-12, Esc}
                                                    //We now combine the bits of both chars obtained
                                                        //They must be combined Second+First else the F1-12 will be duplicate
                                                        //This is because on F1-12 getch() returns 0 thus won't affect the combination
                        R = user_input.Result;
                                                    //Regular key press
                        R = user_input.C[0];
                                                    //Display our unique results from each key press
                    N = R;
                    std::cout << R << " R = N " << N << std::endl;

                    if( R == 'a' )
                        std::cout << "a = " << N << std::endl;
                                                    //Manually break for loop
                    i = 3;
                                                    //We need to reset the array in this situation
                                                        //Else regular key presses will be affected by the last function key press


这非常适合您的环境。您正在使用特定于 DOS/Windows 的 conio

大多数 Ctrl + alpha 键值绑定(bind)到字符 1 - 26,某些其他绑定(bind)到 31 以下的其他值,以映射到 ASCII 控制字符。但是有些,比如 Ctrl + S 有特殊的含义(Ctrl + S 在 ASCII 中是 XOFF),所以可能会被您的环境“吞噬”。

从根本上说,您面临的问题是 getch 类似于老式串行终端接口(interface)。它们仅在“最小公分母”级别公开键盘事件,而不是允许您区分修改键等的较低级别,并为您提供更好的方式来处理特殊键,例如功能键。


要获得较低级别(因此更直接和灵活的界面),您需要使用更特定于平台的库,或更丰富的库,例如 SDL。两者都会为您提供键盘输入的较低级别 View 。

关于c++ - 为什么我不能读取所有 Ctrl + 'letters',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20086959/


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