java - Android NDK 中的某些 C++ 包含文件不起作用

标签 java android c++ android-ndk java-native-interface

我正在使用 android JNI 来使用一些 c++ 代码。但我该如何应对 android jni无法识别c++版本的一些include文件中的include文件:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>


例如:istream ,getline(), string,我应该如何找到替代解决方案?

和一些传递函数,std::stoull( std::wstring& ),atof,等等, 这对我的模块来说是微不足道的,



您需要定义适当的 C++ 运行时以在您的 中使用。


APP_STL := gnustl_static

引用自 docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html:

To select the runtime you want to use, define APP_STL inside your to one of the following values:

system -> Use the default minimal system C++ runtime library.
gabi++_static -> Use the GAbi++ runtime as a static library.
gabi++_shared -> Use the GAbi++ runtime as a shared library.
stlport_static -> Use the STLport runtime as a static library.
stlport_shared -> Use the STLport runtime as a shared library.
gnustl_static -> Use the GNU STL as a static library.
gnustl_shared -> Use the GNU STL as a shared library.

如果您不指定使用哪一个,则默认为 system,它仅提供以下 STL header :

cassert cctype cerrno cfloat climits cmath csetjmp csignal
cstddef cstdint cstdio cstdlib cstring ctime cwchar new stl_pair.h
typeinfo utility

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