c++ - 如何在 getline() 中不使用\n 作为分隔符

标签 c++

我试图从一个纯文本文件中读入行,但是句子中间有换行符,所以 getline() 一直读到换行符和句号。文本文件如下所示:

then he come tiptoeing down and stood right between us. we could
a touched him nearly. well likely it was minutes and minutes that
there warnt a sound and we all there so close together. there was a
place on my ankle that got to itching but i dasnt scratch it.


  // read in sentences
  while (file)
    string s, record;
    if (!getline( file, s )) break;
    istringstream ss(s);

    while (ss)
      string s;

      if (!getline(ss, s, '.')) break;
          record = s;
      if(record[0] == ' ')


  // output sentences
  for (vector<string>::size_type i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i++)
    cout << sentences[i] << "[][][][]" << endl;

[ ][ ][ ][ ] 的目的是检查换行符是否被用作定界符,而不仅仅是被读入字符串。输出看起来像:

then he come tiptoeing down and stood right between us.[][][][]
we could[][][][]
a touched him nearly.[][][][]
well likely it was minutes and minutes that[][][][]
there warnt a sound and we all there so close together.[][][][]
there was a[][][][]
place on my ankle that got to itching but i dasnt scratch it.[][][][]



您正在使用 getline() 从带有换行符的 file 流中读取,然后使用 getline() 解析该行> 使用 istringstream is 和分隔符 '.'。因此,您当然会在换行符和 '.'.


关于c++ - 如何在 getline() 中不使用\n 作为分隔符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22033454/


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