c++ - 当对象靠在一起时将帧保存到文件opencv

标签 c++ file opencv save frame

我正在跟踪两个对象,并希望在它们彼此相距不到 100 时保存一帧。 我使用以下方法测量距离:

bool bSavePic = false;

void example{
    int x1,y1,x2,y2;
int distance; //distance between two objects

x1 = initialMarkers.at(0).getXPos();
y1 = initialMarkers.at(0).getYPos();
x2 = initialMarkers.at(1).getXPos();
y2 = initialMarkers.at(1).getYPos();

distance = (int)sqrt((double)((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1)));


  if (distance < 100 )
            bSavePic= true;
            bSavePic= false;

我遇到的问题是当它们彼此相距不到 100 时,以下代码输出视频流,然后在标记距离再次大于 100 时保存帧。

if (bSavePic == true)
            putText(cameraFeed,"Saving Image",Point(50,70),1,1,Scalar(0,0,255),1);
            capture >> saveImage;

    char buffer[1000];
    for(int c=0; c<1; c++)
            sprintf(buffer,"C:\\Users\\Scott\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\MultipleObjectTracking\\Image-%d.jpg",c);
            imwrite(buffer, saveImage);             

            Mat readImage;
            readImage = imread(buffer,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
            imshow(windowName4, readImage);

关于如何在距离小于 100 时立即保存第一帧,并且仅在距离超出 100 并返回范围内时才保存另一帧,有什么建议吗?

备注c<1因为它在距离小于 100 时保存每一帧。



bool bSingleFrame = true;

 int main{

        if (bSavePic == true)//distance<100

        if (bSingleFrame == true)
        putText(cameraFeed,"Saving Image",Point(50,70),1,1,Scalar(0,0,255),1);
        Mat saveImage;
        capture >> saveImage;
            stringstream ssFileName;                    //string stream initialised through each passing of while loop
            ssFileName << "Image-" << c << ".jpg";      //File name based on frame captured 0++
            ssFileName >> sFileName;

        if(!saveImage.empty())                          //check if frame captured is stored in matrix
            cout << "Frame captured." << endl;          //if data in frame cout
            imwrite(sFileName.c_str(), saveImage);      //save frame
            if (bSavePic == true)                       //if distance still <100
                bSingleFrame = false;

            Mat readImage;
            readImage = imread(sFileName.c_str(),CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);  
            imshow(windowName4, readImage);             //show captured frame in new window
            cout << "Error, could not capture frame to save." << endl;

    if (bSavePic == false)
                bSingleFrame = true;//if distance back >100 can capture another frame


关于c++ - 当对象靠在一起时将帧保存到文件opencv,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22761280/


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