c++ - 它有效,直到我输入第二个输入然后它关闭

标签 c++ codeblocks

 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
{   int a;
    int b;
    int sum;
    string ans = "";
    cout << "Input a directive. Upon it finishing it will terminate. Codes are: \n Calc \n Exit \n";
    cin >> ans;
    if(ans == "Calc")
        cout << "Welcome to Calculator! Put in a number. Press Enter to put in number. \n";
        cin >> a;

        cout << "Next number \n";
        cin >> b;
        sum = a + b;

        cout << sum << " Is the amount! \n";
        cout << "Input a directive. Upon it finishing it will terminate. Codes are: \n Calc \n Exit \n";
        ans = "";    

    if(ans != "Calc")
        cout << "Okay";    

这行得通,但如果我不输入 Calc,它什么都不做,但打印出来,但如果我不再输入 Calc,它就会关闭。如果我确实输入了计算器,我可以运行它,当它给出答案时,没问题,然后我按任意键它就关闭了。我是这个论坛/网站的新手,不确定位置是否正确。



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{   int a;
    int b;
    int sum;
         string ans = "";
         cout << "Input a directive. Upon it finishing it will terminate. Codes are: \n Calc \n Exit \n";
         cin >> ans;
         if(ans == "Calc")
             cout << "Welcome to Calculator! Put in a number. Press Enter to put in number. \n";
             cin >> a;

             cout << "Next number \n";
             cin >> b;
              sum = a + b;

              cout << sum << " Is the amount! \n";
          else if(ans == "Exit") 
              cout << "Bye!\n";    
              return 0;
          cout << "Okay\n";    

关于c++ - 它有效,直到我输入第二个输入然后它关闭,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22828101/


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