c++ - 用 1 和 0 填充一个大矩阵 - 六个嵌套循环

标签 c++ optimization matrix

下面的代码是用 1 和 0 填充一个矩阵来解决运筹学中的一个问题——我不会详细说明。我遇到的问题是有 6 个嵌套循环,即使代码编译完美,最后的打印语句也不会执行(尽管我没有收到任何错误消息)。谁能告诉我为什么会这样,如果 6 个嵌套循环太多而无法以这种方式处理,是否还有其他方法可以实现。提前致谢。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    vector<vector<int> > A(480, std::vector<int>(100000));
    int index = 1;
    int N;
    int N2;
    int N3;
    int N4;
    int N5;
    vector<int> indices1;
    vector<int> indices2;
    vector<int> indices3;
    vector<int> indices4;
    vector<int> indices5;                   

    for (int s1 = 0; s1 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s1++)
        if (s1 + 24 + 24 - 1 <= 480 - 24 + 1)
            for (int s2 = s1 + 24 + 24 - 1; s2 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s2++)
                if (s2 + 24 + 24 - 1 <= 480 - 24 + 1)
                    for (int s3 = s2 + 24 + 24 - 1; s3 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s3++)
                        if (s3 + 24 + 24 - 1 <= 480 - 24 + 1)
                            for (int s4 = s3 + 24 + 24 - 1; s4 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s4++)
                                if (s4 + 24 + 24 - 1 <= 480 - 24 + 1)
                                    for (int s5 = s4 + 24 + 24 - 1; s5 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s5++)

                                        // generate print5
                                        for (int pos = 0; pos <= 10; pos++)

                                            indices1.push_back(s1 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s1 + 13 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s2 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s2 + 13 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s3 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s3 + 13 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s4 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s4 + 13 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s5 + pos);
                                            indices1.push_back(s5 + 13 + pos);

                                        std::sort(indices1.begin(), indices1.end());

                                        // now loop over print5, N is number of elements in indices1
                                        N = 11 * 10;
                                        for (int ind1 = 0; ind1 < N; ind1++)
                                            A [ indices1[ind1] ][index] = 1;


                                        index = index + 1;


                                //else statement
                                //generate print4
                                for (int pos = 0; pos <= 10; pos++)

                                    indices2.push_back(s1 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s1 + 13 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s2 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s2 + 13 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s3 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s3 + 13 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s4 + pos);
                                    indices2.push_back(s4 + 13 + pos);

                                std::sort(indices2.begin(), indices2.end());

                                //now loop over print4
                                N2 = 11 * 8;
                                for (int ind2 = 0; ind2 < N2; ind2++)
                                    A [ indices2[ind2] ][index] = 1;

                                index = index + 1;



                        //else statement
                        // generate print3
                        for (int pos = 0; pos <= 10; pos++)

                            indices3.push_back(s1 + pos);
                            indices3.push_back(s1 + 13 + pos);
                            indices3.push_back(s2 + pos);
                            indices3.push_back(s2 + 13 + pos);
                            indices3.push_back(s3 + pos);
                            indices3.push_back(s3 + 13 + pos);

                        std::sort(indices3.begin(), indices3.end());

                        //now loop over print3
                        N3 = 11 * 6;
                        for (int ind3 = 0; ind3 < N3; ind3++)
                            A [ indices3[ind3] ][index] = 1;

                        index = index + 1;

                //else statement
                //generate print2
                for (int pos = 0; pos <= 10; pos++)

                    indices4.push_back(s1 + pos);
                    indices4.push_back(s1 + 13 + pos);
                    indices4.push_back(s2 + pos);
                    indices4.push_back(s2 + 13 + pos);

                std::sort(indices4.begin(), indices4.end());

                //now loop over print2
                N4 = 11 * 4;
                for (int ind4 = 0; ind4 < N4; ind4++)
                    A [ indices4[ind4] ][index] = 1;

                index = index + 1;
        //last else statement
        //generate print1
        for (int pos = 0; pos <= 10; pos++)

            indices5.push_back(s1 + pos);
            indices5.push_back(s1 + 13 + pos);

        std::sort(indices5.begin(), indices5.end());

        //now loop over print1
        N5 = 11 * 2;
        for (int ind5 = 0; ind5 < N5; ind5++)
            A [ indices5[ind5] ][index] = 1;

        index = index + 1;


    // now print elements - I only print till element 50 here, since I dont actually know how many
    // columns I need, therefore I initialized that to a big number (since I will need a lot)
    for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
            cout << A[i][j];

    return 0;



if (s5 % 100 == 0)
  cout << s1 << ' ' << s2 << ' ' << s3 << ' ' << s4 << ' ' << s5
       << '\r' << std::flush;


for (int s5 = s4 + 24 + 24 - 1; s5 <= 480 - 24 + 1; s5++)



  • 您应该检查(并在某处重置)index 变量:它变得越来越大,您将遇到段错误 (A[indices1[ind1]][索引]).

  • indices1, ... indices5 vector 将迅速变得非常大,std::sort 函数将采用很多时间。

    在我看来,您并没有使用 vector 中的所有元素,例如:

    std::sort(indices1.begin(), indices1.end());
    N = 11 * 10;
    for (int ind1 = 0; ind1 < N; ++ind1)
      A [indices1[ind1]][index] = 1;

    如果您只需要前 N 个元素,您可以使用 std::partial_sort:

    N = 11 * 10;
    std::partial_sort(indices1.begin(), indices1.begin() + N, indices1.end());


关于c++ - 用 1 和 0 填充一个大矩阵 - 六个嵌套循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23502234/


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