c++ - 除了++ 和 -- 之外,是否可以重载后缀一元运算符?

标签 c++ overloading operator-keyword


A prefix unary operator shall be implemented by a non-static member function (9.3) with no parameters or a non-member function with one parameter.



关于后缀运算符 (13.5.7)

The user-defined function called operator++ implements the prefix and postfix ++ operator. If this function is a member function with no parameters, or a non-member function with one parameter of class or enumeration type, it defines the prefix increment operator ++ for objects of that type. If the function is a member function with one parameter (which shall be of type int) or a non-member function with two parameters (the second of which shall be of type int), it defines the postfix increment operator ++ for objects of that type. When the postfix increment is called as a result of using the ++ operator, the int argument will have value zero.

关于c++ - 除了++ 和 -- 之外,是否可以重载后缀一元运算符?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23595984/


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