C++ 二叉树堆栈溢出

标签 c++ pointers recursion binary-tree stack-overflow


测试时,我在第三次调用 main 的 print_attributes 函数时出现堆栈溢出(如下所示)。对调用堆栈的快速检查表明它充满了对 binTree 的 binTree's height(Node < T >* node) 的数百次调用(也在下面注明)。当我“转到”来自调用堆栈的调用时,它会将我带到 size(Node < T >* node) 的 leftside = size(node->left) 调用(也在下面注明)。我不知道那应该表示什么,因为这两个函数都不互相调用。

这是编译器在发生堆栈溢出时所说的图像(我使用的是 VS2013): http://puu.sh/ca3ti/e00f653282.png

下面是编译器的图像,在中断并单击调用堆栈中的任何 height() 调用之后:http://puu.sh/ca2Qz/d35348ccce.png

考虑到它(似乎)在使用 bintree 的 height() 和/或 size() 函数之前将节点很好地插入树中,我不知道为什么相同的函数在这里开始出现问题。很抱歉无法更清楚地解释问题所在。我已经编码了几年,但我真的迷失了。我已尽力提供尽可能多的信息。非常感谢任何花时间帮助解决此问题的人。


#include "340.h"

#ifndef H_NODE
#define H_NODE

// definition for class of nodes in bin tree

template < class T > class binTree; // forward declaration

template < class T >
class Node {
friend class binTree < T >;         // binTree is friend
    // default constructor
    Node ( const T& x = T ( ), Node < T >* l = 0, Node < T >* r = 0 ) :
        data ( x ), left ( l ), right ( r ) { }
    T data;                         // data component
    Node < T > *left, *right;       // left and right links


#include "Node.h"

#ifndef H_TREE
#define H_TREE

template < class T > class binTree {
    binTree(Node < T >* emptyroot = nullptr) : // default constructor
        root(emptyroot) { }

    bool empty() const // checks if tree empty
        if (root == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    unsigned size() const // returns no of nodes
        if (root == 0)
            return 0;
            return size(root);

    unsigned height() const // returns height of tree
        if (root == 0)
            return 0;
            return height(root);

    virtual void insert(const T& t) // inserts a node in shortest subtree
        if (empty())
            Node< T >* n = new Node< T >;
            n->data = t;
            root = n;
            insert(root, t);
    Node < T >* root; // root of tree
    unsigned size(Node < T >* node) const // private version of size ( )
        unsigned leftside;
        unsigned rightside;

        if (node->left == 0)
            leftside = 0;
            leftside = size(node->left); //******issue(?) here******

        if (node->right == 0)
            rightside = 0;
            rightside = size(node->right);

        return(leftside + rightside + 1);

    unsigned height(Node < T >* node) const // private version of height ( ) 
//*****issue(?) here************
        unsigned leftside;
        unsigned rightside;

        if (node->left == 0)
            leftside = 0;
            leftside = height(node->left);

        if (node->right == 0)
            rightside = 0;
            rightside = height(node->right);

        return 1 + max(leftside, rightside);

    void insert(Node < T >* node, const T& t) // private version of insert ( )
        if (node->left == 0)
            Node< T >* n = new Node< T >;
            n->data = t;
            root = n;

            node->left = n;
        else if (node->right == 0)
            Node< T >* n = new Node< T >;
            n->data = t;
            root = n;

            node->right = n;

        unsigned lefth = height(node->left);
        unsigned righth = height(node->right);

        if (lefth <= righth)
            insert(node->left, t);
            insert(node->right, t);



#include "binTree.h"

// vectors used in testing
const vector < int > A { 1, -2, 3, -4, 5, -6, 7, -8, 9, -10, 11, -12,
        13, -14, 15 };

// prints out val passed as argument
template < class T > void print ( T& x ) { cout << x << ' '; }

// increments val passed as argument
template < class T > void increment ( T& x ) { x++; }

// decrements val passed as argument
template < class T > void decrement ( T& x ) { x--; }

// prints out attributes, such as size and height of bin tree,
// and prints out data val in each node in inorder, preorder,
// and postorder

template < class T >
void print_attributes ( binTree < T >& tree, const string& name )
    cout << name; // print name of tree

    // check if tree is empty
    cout << ": tree is " << ( tree.empty ( ) ? "" : "not " ) << "empty\n";

    // print size and height of tree
    cout << "\tno of nodes    = " << setw ( 2 ) << tree.size ( )
         << "\n\theight of tree = " << setw ( 2 ) << tree.height ( )
         << endl << endl; //*******issue here************

    return 0;


首先,在您的 binTree 类中,size()height() 方法都有以下行:

if (root = 0)

显然这应该是 ==

实际的堆栈溢出问题似乎是由您的 insert 函数引起的。它通过引用获取第一个参数 node。因此,当您使用 insert(root, t) 调用它时,node 最终作为对 root 的引用。当在 insert 中分配新节点时,root 被设置为指向新节点,这也会更改 node 引用。

如果您使用调试器在 insert 函数的顶部设置断点并单步执行,您可以看到值的变化。

这意味着 rootnode 是同一件事,所以当你设置 node->left = nnode->right = n 节点最终指向自身。

要修复它,您需要做的就是更改 insert 的定义,以按值而不是引用传递 node:

void insert(Node < T >* node, const T& t) // private version of insert ( )

关于C++ 二叉树堆栈溢出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26330554/


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